DWP hands out £66,000 grants to 'employed or self-employed' people

DWP grants will help make work life easier for disabled people can now be applied for online, as the Access to Work scheme goes digital.
DWP grants will help make work life easier for disabled people can now be applied for online, as the Access to Work scheme goes digital -Credit:No credit

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is offering £66,000 grants to people who are employed or self-employed starting from Wednesday (May 8). The DWP's Access to Work scheme, which has now gone digital, aims to make work life easier for disabled people.

Last year, the scheme helped 50,000 people to make necessary workplace adjustments. Mims Davies MP, the Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work, said: "Access to Work helps thousands of disabled people and those returning to work who are sick by giving them and their employers the resources to help introduce suitable workplace adjustments.

"Digitisation of Access to Work further modernises the programme to make it easier to apply for grants or claim payments." The online application process now includes support for special aids and equipment, support workers, travel to and within work, adaptations to premises or equipment, and communications support at interviews.

People can also submit claims online for special aids and equipment, support workers, adaptations to premises or equipment, and travel to work. Eligible claimants include those who are employed, self-employed, about to start a job, participating in supported internships/traineeships, engaged in work experience/work trials, or in need of communication support at interviews, reports Birmingham Live.

Individuals with disabilities and health conditions that contribute to the increased costs of working could be eligible for grants of up to £66,000 each year. This provision does not exempt employers from their Equality Act obligation to make reasonable adjustments, according to the DWP.

The department further outlined the assessment criteria and eligibility today stating: "To be eligible, individuals must be employed, self-employed, about to start work, participating in a supported internship/traineeship, taking part in work experience/work trial or require communication support at interview."