DWP ramps up Universal Credit reviews and threatens to halt payments amid fraud checks

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is on a mission to clamp down on fraud and error and is sending out urgent messages to Universal Credit recipients.

Claimants are being warned that their payments could be halted if they fail to comply with the new measures. The DWP is conducting 'targeted case reviews' to verify claimants' eligibility for the benefits they're receiving.

In an ambitious plan, the DWP aims to scrutinise "millions" of Universal Credit claims over the next four years. A flurry of reports from members of BirminghamLive's Cost of Living Facebook group indicates that many have already been contacted for verification of their benefit claims.


According to the DWP's official guidance, it states: "Your Universal Credit claim might be reviewed to make sure you're getting the right payment and support. If your claim is going to be reviewed, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will contact you and let you know through your online account.

"You'll need to send DWP some documents to confirm your details and have a phone interview. If you do not attend the interview, your payment could be stopped."

Those chosen for a targeted case review will receive a notification in their online account, requesting proof of identity and bank statements. Additional documentation related to their personal circumstances and the amount of Universal Credit they receive may also be required.

Universal Credit claimants might need to provide a raft of documents during a case review, including proof of housing costs, earnings, other income, self-employment details, savings, information about children and childcare costs, health conditions, student finance, and caring responsibilities. The outcome could mean an adjustment in payments if it's found that the amount received is incorrect.

Should there be a change in your Universal Credit entitlement, you'll get a notification via your online account. Any future payments will be tweaked accordingly, which could result in either a top-up for underpayments or a deduction to reclaim any overpayments.

In a new update on the reviews issued in May 2024, the DWP said it had recruited 2,000 targeted case review agents to check Universal Credit claims along with 1,400 new counter-fraud professionals to help root out benefit cheats. The targeted case reviews team is set to be expanded to 6,000 by March 2025 and the DWP says it aims to have checked millions of Universal Credit claims to save £6.6 billion by the end of 2027/28.

The DWP said: "This year we have reviewed over 200,000 claims, finding and putting right incorrect declarations on almost 50,000 claims, and stopping individuals from building up debts. This has included finding unreported capital of over £16,000, wrongly declared self-employment expenses, and undisclosed second homes."

"This demonstrates the vital role targeted case reviews are playing in addressing unreported changes in circumstances, reminding customers of their commitment to keep us updated on changes to their circumstances to help them avoid unnecessary debt, and catching those trying to take advantage of the welfare system."

It added: "We have robust measures and safeguards in place to support customers through a review of their claim. All our staff undergo training to ensure they can recognise signs of risk or complex needs that can impact the claimant's ability to manage their claim or take part in a review."

"For example, we offer a call at the start of each review to explain the process, answer any questions and help identify those that may need additional support. Where necessary, staff can tailor their approach on a case-by-case basis and decide the correct course of action, in some circumstances this includes pausing the review and referring for additional support."