E-scooter rider feels he is 'risking his life' following incidents with vehicles

The new TIER mobility e-scooters in Bristol
The new TIER mobility e-scooters in Bristol -Credit:Bristol Post

Warning: This article contains graphic images of an injury.

An e-scooter rider believes he is risking his life using the scooters in Bristol. Matthew Smith said he has had a number of incidents with buses and cars on the road that have led to him falling and injuring himself.

The 51-year-old said that, in the past month alone, he has had two rather unpleasant experiences with motorists on the roads in Bristol. Mr Smith, from Totterdown, said the first incident took place on Saturday, March 30, at around 5.40pm near to number 40 The Grove where he had an altercation with the driver of the Number 75 bus.

Read more: How transport and getting around Bristol could change from next month

Read more: Tier to 'increase patrols' in South Bristol suburb after scooters and bikes block shop entrance

Mr Smith told Bristol Live: "I was scooting along The Grove BS1 (adjacent to the Thekla). A Bus came up very quickly and closely to me and beeped his horn when next to me, which made me fall off my scooter.

"I got back on the scooter to pursue the bus and ask why the driver did it and he said that he had seen me use a zebra crossing on a scooter back on Redcliffe Hill and wanted to make a point that it wasn't allowed (it was a safe way for me to slowly cross a big road). I insisted that he had run me off the road to make that point ‐ which felt premeditated and aggressive - and he just repeated what he said.

"He then went to drive away and I stumbled, at which point he beeped his horn, pointed and laughed, which I found alarming. I fear I am not going to get any sort of explanation of why he did this or an apology from the person involved."

A spokesperson for First West of England said: “We were aware of the incident and investigated it, and the driver is no longer employed by us.”

Mr Smith said the second incident took place at 6.55pm on April 10, on County Street in Totterdown, on the corner of a three-way junction where St Johns Lane meets Wells Road. Mr Smith, who was on the Wells Road at a crossing opposite the Bank restaurant, said: "I went to scoot across the road crossing as I saw no traffic coming and at that point a car came round that corner coming up Wells Road and through the junction.

"As he saw me cross, he appeared to accelerate and then blew his horn loudly which made me jump, panic and speed up to cross without being hit. I lost control as a result and went crashing into the middle of the road-crossing section, badly damaging my knees. He didn't stop after witnessing me crash as a result, and I sat injured in the middle of the road for some time to recover.

One of the
The junction in Totterdown where the incident happened -Credit:Matthew Smith

"A few kind people stopped to offer help but no one caught the car's details. There are no cameras at the lights or anywhere in the area to capture his plate and do anything about this."

Mr Smith was left with bloodied legs after the incident and is fearful that another incident could possibly leave him with far worse injuries in the future. He added: "As a result of this behaviour, I am having to consider going back to my car or risk, it seems, a life-threatening injury.

"It is clear that scooters have an image problem in the city and we need to do some work on that. There are bad riders as well as good, but then it's the same with every vehicle.

Matthew's legs were left bloodied after the incident and he's now calling for more provisions in place to keep scooter and bike riders safe in the city
Matthew's legs were left bloodied after the incident and he's now calling for more provisions in place to keep scooter and bike riders safe in the city -Credit:Matthew Smith

"The key thing here is that on a scooter or bike you are exposed flesh and bone, whereas the rest is tonnes of metal. There is no competition in those bad scenarios, we know how it ends and I don't want to be one of those statistics. We need restricted and dedicated scooter/bike lanes everywhere, not just on some parts of some roads.

"We also need cameras at traffic lights and major junctions. Only then can we start to feel safe again on these vehicles which are there ultimately to help the planet."