From East to West: scientists solve birds' ability to navigate longitude

Migrating birds navigate thousands of miles each year - Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
Migrating birds navigate thousands of miles each year - Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Migratory birds successfully navigate thousands of miles because they are able to sense the difference between true and magnetic north, scientists have discovered.

For centuries, human exploration was stymied by the problem of accurately locating longitudinal position.

But whereas the challenge was eventually solved through complicated mathematical calculations, new research reveals that birds naturally develop an east-west understanding, enabling them to build a mental “world map” which they remember for the rest of their lives.

It seems that a bird as unassuming as the reed warbler, may have a geographic map or memory that enables it to identify its longitudinal position on the globe

Dr Richard Holland, Bangor University

Experiments using the common reed warbler showed they were sensitive to the difference between true north,  the geographic North Pole, and magnetic north, a separate location in the Arctic Circle.

In Europe, the difference increases from east to west, and the new study indicates warblers are able to sense this variation to determine where they are.

The international team of researchers, including scientists from Bangor University, predict that this sensitivity is shared by many other species.

It has long been believed that birds rely on the Earth’s magnetic fields to navigate their epic migrations, but precisely how they solve the longitudinal riddle has, until now, remained a mystery.

“It seems that a bird as unassuming as the reed warbler, may have a geographic map or memory that enables it to identify its longitudinal position on the globe, only by detecting the magnetic north pole and its variance from true north,” said Dr Richard Holland, of Bangor University, who took part in the research.

Garden warbler - Credit: Alamy
A garden warbler: scientists believe many species may share the longitudinal sensitivity Credit: Alamy

“This, combined with other external cues, which may include the strength of the magnetic field, star positions or smells enables it to locate its current position and orient itself during a long migration."

To prove their theory, the group temporarily caught both mature and juvenile Eurasian reed warblers.

Holding the birds in small funnel shaped cages that record their orientation tendencies, the team recorded the birds' tendency to orient towards their migratory route from Europe to North Africa, before changing the magnetic field around the aviaries to represent an 8.5 degree variance from true north.

The mature birds re-orientated themselves, but the younger ones became confused, suggesting the magnetic map is learnt by experience.

For humans, determining latitude, or the north-south position, has always been relatively easy as it can be found using the altitude of the sun at noon.

But for longitude, early sailors had to rely on dead reckoning, calculating a current position based on estimated speeds over a certain time from a previously determined position.

The new study is published in the journal Current Biology.