East Wiltshire candidates' final bid for your votes ahead of election

From left to right: Pete Force-Jones, David Kinnaird, Danny Kruger, Rob Newman, and Stephen Talbot. <i>(Image: East Wilts Candidates + Getty)</i>
From left to right: Pete Force-Jones, David Kinnaird, Danny Kruger, Rob Newman, and Stephen Talbot. (Image: East Wilts Candidates + Getty)

The candidates seeking to represent East Wiltshire at the general election are still fighting to win your votes.

With the new boundaries, the majority of East Wiltshire is formed by the old constituency of Devizes, which has been represented by Conservative MP Danny Kruger since 2019.

The True and Fair Party candidate, Pete Force-Jones, said: “Distraught and bored of hearing the usual suspects claiming ‘only we can win here', thoroughly depressed seeing the voting record and expenses claims of the past MP?

“Well, that’s at least two of us."

This was recently posted on Social Media by Lee: The True & Fair Party actually seem to align perfectly with exactly how I feel about the environment, education, Europe, not having policies bought by large corporations, big oil etc. They seem to want common sense in politics and I agree!

“You do too? When filling your ballot paper vote with your heart, vote Pete Force-Jones.”

Liberal Democrat candidate, David Kinnaird added: “This, my first Parliamentary campaign has been intense, but very enjoyable and rewarding.

“The cycle trip around my home constituency allowed me to engage with 500 voters + from almost every town and village.

“Our manifesto is bolder and braver than Labour.

“Do more for the NHS and Care.

“Be honest about the impacts of Brexit.

“Deliver Proportional Representation.

“Everyone I spoke to wants and end to red/blue/red/blue politics, for more cross party working, better decision making and better governance.

“I hope East Wiltshire can elect a local champion to help make real change happen here. Be Brave – Vote Dave!”

Conservative candidate Danny Kruger said: “It’s been a tough election - not made easier by some disgraceful scandals and some bad mistakes at the top.

“But most people I talk to recognise in Rishi Sunak an intelligent and honourable man - and they see the danger of giving Keir Starmer a huge majority in which the only opposition is Labour’s own left wing.

“I stand for strong families, strong communities and a strong nation, and I fear a Labour or Lib Dem MP in East Wiltshire would weaken our economy, our borders and our national defence, and dismantle protections against overdevelopment in the countryside."

Labour candidate, Rob Newman said: “We have an opportunity to make a historic change.

“National polls show that it’s neck-and-neck between Labour and the Tories in East Wiltshire.

“My priorities include campaigning for the GPs, dentists and pharmacies we need; better local transport; supporting Forces families; backing farmers and local businesses; and protecting and restoring our environment, not least the Kennet.

“My commitment is to be an MP for everyone. I’ll do politics differently, involving you with an annual voter conference, a village tour, and advisory councils.

“Let’s not have an Opposition MP. Let’s have a strong voice for our area in the next Government.”

Reform candidate, Stephen Talbot said: “The country has a significant democratic deficit.

“Decisions that directly impact your lives are outsourced by those you elect to international and domestic bodies who are unaccountable, uncontactable and unsackable.

“If you want policies to be enacted that reduce your costs, remove barriers to aspiration and restore your basic freedom to live your life in the way you choose you should vote for change.

“The politics of consensus offered by the main parties will not bring you that change.

“Change will only come through wholesale reform.

“Vote Reform UK on 4th July for real change and a better Britain.”

The Green Party candidate, Emily Herbert, was also contacted for comment.