EastEnders clears up a flashforward mystery with George scene

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EastEnders has cleared up a big mystery from the flashforward murder scene.

Earlier this year, viewers got a cryptic jump ahead to Christmas where The Six (Kathy, Suki, Stacey, Denise, Linda and Sharon) discovered a dead body in the Vic — though many unanswered questions remain about the cliffhanger.

One such unresolved moment involved the strange appearance of a suit of armour in the Vic, with viewers finally getting on answers on how it got into the pub during Monday's (June 12) episode.

eastenders stacey linda suki kathy denise sharon

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The Knights and Elaine Peacock were keeping a secret from Linda in Monday's (June 12) episode as George tried to lock down a deal to bring something special into the Vic.

In the midst of Elaine creating some romantic chaos for Gina by misinterpreting her crush on Zack, she announced to the pub that George would be arriving soon with a "local attraction".

George then wheeled in a full suit of armour, as Elaine cheerfully announced that "the knight's arrived". Linda remained puzzled as George explained that the keepsake had been in "every bar [he'd] ever owned" given his surname.

Linda objected to the Queen Vic's resident knight clashing with her "cozy" pub decor, yet George insisted the suit of armour would simply "add a bit more character" to the pub.

"He is creepy," Linda insisted.

eastenders' george with the knight

The Knight girls and Elaine were totally on board with George's new guest, even after Linda complained that "his eyes" were following her everywhere.

In the Christmas flashforward scene, the knight was seen behind Stacey Slater in a dramatic, slow-motion panning shot around the pub before Sharon Watts knelt over the murder victim with a grave pronouncement.

"He's dead," Sharon tells the other Walford ladies after checking the corpse's pulse.

But will the knight have more to do with who dies this festive season?

EastEnders airs on Mondays - Thursdays at 7.30pm on BBC One. The show also streams on BBC iPlayer.

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