EastEnders fans ‘work out’ which character is killed after clue in flashforward Christmas episode clip

EastEnders fans have shared their theories on who will be killed in this year’s Christmas episode, following a flashforward scene which aired on Monday.

A clip from the future Christmas special showed characters Sharon Watts (played by Letitia Dean), Denise Fox (Diane Parish), Stacey Slater (Lacey Turner), Linda Carter (Kellie Bright) and Suki Kaur Panesar (Balvinder Sopal) standing over a dead body in the Queen Vic.

The flashforward clip is a first for the BBC soap and appeared to show the group of women standing still in shock over the murderous event while surrounded by a lit Christmas setting.

EastEnders aired a flashforward Christmas special scene which revealed a murder (EastEnders/YouTube)
EastEnders aired a flashforward Christmas special scene which revealed a murder (EastEnders/YouTube)

Linda is first seen in the teaser with mouth agape as she is joined by the ladies, who all remain silent. Stacey is knelt with her hands covered in blood, while Denise stands holding a broken wine bottle.

Sharon, wearing a bloodied wedding dress, is then seen crouching down beside the dead body to check the pulse, raising a cufflinked wrist, before whispering: “He’s dead.”

Fans have taken Denise wearing a ‘D’ necklace in the clip as a clue, concluding that Dean Wicks is who is killed.

Sharon, Denise and other characters were seen crouching over a dead body in the Queen Vic (EastEnders/YouTube)
Sharon, Denise and other characters were seen crouching over a dead body in the Queen Vic (EastEnders/YouTube)

“They focused on Denise with her ‘D’ necklace for a while… I think that’s one of the clues. Dean,” one viewer tweeted.

A second agreed, writing: “I think it’s Dean. He goes for Linda (hence the split lip), the others get involved and one of them kills him. I also don’t think the champagne bottle is the weapon.”

Other fans think Nish Panesar is the victim, as one person said: “It’s Nish. I’m telling you right now, Nish is dead.”

A second commented: “I think it’s Nish, but my God waiting till Christmas to wait to see who it is isn’t fair.”

A third added “It’s either Nish or Dean. Baddies always get their comeuppance on or around Xmas day.”

EastEnders executive producer, Chris Clenshaw, said of the flashforward scene: “There are six women standing over a dead body, which we know is male. Over the next ten months, expect to see each of these women have huge stories, involving potential victims, which will all collide at Christmas.”

Clenshaw confirmed that “there were clues” in the clip and urged viewers to pay attention to “every detail.”

He added: “A lot can happen in Walford between February and December – circumstances can change, relationships can change, loyalties can change – so what you may suspect now could be somewhat different as we make our way towards Christmas.”

EastEnders continues on BBC One on Monday to Thursday at 7:30pm.