EastEnders' Kellie Bright shares huge murder flashforward theory

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EastEnders celebrated its 38th anniversary yesterday (February 20) by doing something it's never done before: jumping ahead in time for a flashforward.

The latest episode features six of the ladies of Walford – Stacey, Sharon, Linda, Denise, Suki and Kathy – spending the night in the Queen Vic.

Pretty standard stuff, but it then cuts to Christmas 2023 where the ladies discover a dead body, kicking off a 'who is it?' as opposed to a 'whodunnit?' Some fans already have theories about who could have been killed.

But what does one of the actresses involved in the storyline think about it?

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Kellie Bright, who plays Linda in the soap, has spoken about her reaction to the storyline, and her own ideas about where it's going to go next.

"I felt very excited when I heard about the story. I was very intrigued… I'm still intrigued because I don't really know that much about it, other than what has just been shown," she said.

"I think it's a really clever thing that the team have come up with, I can honestly say I'm really thrilled to be part of it. I'm excited about it."

eastenders stacey linda suki kathy denise sharon

"This is all guesswork on my behalf, but in my mind, I haven't done it," she said, referring to Linda not being the killer.

"But that is just based on nothing other than what I think or felt when we were filming it. I've got a feeling, I had a very strong feeling, or more of an idea that the victim was going to be a really big player in this show and I've slightly changed my mind, and I think it might be someone who is not in the show yet. A character that we're yet to meet.

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"If I had to put money on it, I don't think it's me and I don't think it's Di (Denise, played by Diane Parish). I also think it could be a group thing, with the women all protecting each other but who knows, they could be protecting Linda!"

Kellie also explained that they filmed the scenes more than once and used a body double for the victim, so the actresses currently have no idea about their identity.

EastEnders airs on Mondays-Thursdays at 7.30pm on BBC One. The show also streams on BBC iPlayer.

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