Edinburgh police remove seven 'abandoned' vehicles after complaints from locals

-Credit: (Image: Police Scotland)

Police in Edinburgh uplifted seven vehicles following reports of 'abandoned' vehicles within the community.

Officers were joined by the DVLA in Restalrig on Wednesday, June 26, to address reports of untaxed and abandoned vehicles on surrounding streets.

Following the operations, they say seven vehicles were uplifted and one owner was issued with a penalty notice. Images uploaded to X show cars being lifted onto a transporter including an SUV and white van.

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Taking to social media, Police Scotland North East Edinburgh said: "NECPT were working with @DVLAgovuk in the Restalrig area today following reports of untaxed and abandoned vehicles.

"Seven vehicles uplifted and one penalty notice issued."

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Elsewhere in the capital, road police observed a private hire vehicle reportedly performing a U-turn on Leith Walk over the weekend.

Officers took to X once again to confirm the driver of the Hyundai was issued with a £50 conditional offer in respect of the offence when they caught up with the driver.

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