Edinburgh sisters lost both parents to the exact same type of cancer

Jinty and Heather, from Edinburgh, lost both their parents to lung cancer
Jinty and Heather, from Edinburgh, lost both their parents to lung cancer -Credit:Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation

Sisters from Edinburgh who lost both parents to lung cancer are creating "beautiful memories out of devastating heartbreak".

Jinty and Heather lost their father, Eddie McIntosh, over a decade ago and ran the London Marathon shortly after in his honour. Now, they're preparing to return to participate in honour of their mother, Jessie.

Preparing for their second marathon, the sisters said their parents are the "reason they have such drive". They lost their mum three years ago, and said it feels like "yesterday and an eternity all at once".

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When they finished the London Marathon in 2015, their mother was cheering on them from the sidelines. Speaking on their fundraiser, they said: "We loved our hugs from mum at the finish line, she was so proud of us and we created beautiful memories out of devastating heartbreak.

"This time around we're older, having to work hard on our fitness levels and are dedicating this run in mum's memory. It's three years since Mum died and it feels like yesterday and an eternity all at once.

"Grief is permanent, but so are the love and memories that fill the void in our hearts. To live in the hearts of those we love is to never truly die."

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When they previously ran in the London Marathon, the sisters vests read 'for dad'. This time, they'll say 'for mum'.

They continued: "There are times when you train for a marathon when you think why am I doing this?

"Both mum and dad will be our inspiration to get to the start as well as the finish line. They're the reason we have such drive and self belief."

Jinty and Heather after completing the London Marathon in 2015
Jinty and Heather after completing the London Marathon in 2015 -Credit:Roy Castle Long Cancer Foundation

Through the marathon, the sisters will be raising awareness and funds for the Roy Castle Lung Foundation. The charity is the leading UK cancer organisation dedicated to "helping everyone affected by the disease ensuring patient and carers have the support they need".

Through their fundraising efforts, Jinty and Heather hope to support other families who have faced similar challenges. They said: " We fundraise for Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation because we want to make a difference for other families, to change outcomes so their story ends differently to ours.

"We'd like the money raised to be used to fund campaigns to raise awareness, to fund research or provide support for patients and their families, wherever it's needed most."

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Speaking on their training for the marathon, the sisters added:" Training has mostly gone to plan, we completed our final long training run of 20 miles last weekend and are now enjoying the taper, it's great knowing we're 'only' running nine miles this weekend.

"However, the reason they call it training is so you can learn from any mishaps ahead of the event. This time around training has taught us, don't pull your flask out by the lid, it will come off and you will get soaked! Put your flask away securely otherwise you will lose it, and lift your feet over the pavements!”

You can contribute to the Jessie and Eddie McIntosh Tribute Fund here.