Edinburgh tourist's 'day ruined' after witnessing 'hideous welcome party'

-Credit: (Image: Laren Tenner TikTok)

An Edinburgh tourist has shared how her day was ruined after seeing an 'unwelcoming' sight.

Lauren took to TikTok to explain that she had arrived in Edinburgh by train and was heading up to Princes Street from Waverely when she was met by a group of women and a man with long hair.

Along with the caption, a hideous welcome party, she said: "I just got off the train from Edinburgh Waverly and in front of me was this group of girlies, clearing going to a hen do and they are all looking completely amazing.

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"But waiting at the top of the stairs was this bloke. I'm going to say he was in his 50s and he has hair down to his a***. And he's staring at them full on, licking his lips, and I think he thought it was some sexy mating gesture, he was curling his long strands of straggly hair with his finger."

She added: "I just want to apologise to anyone who saw me in the 30 seconds after witnessing this. My face was like this", Lauren then pulled an exaggerated disgusted face.

"It was one of those moments that I wish I could unsee."

To which one person comments: "You never ken what's going to meet you up the top of those stairs...."

She replied: "It’s a real little shop of horrors."

Another said: "I've never felt so uncomfy leaving a video a like." To which Lauren replied: "Sorry I think it’s ruined my day, so I had to share it and ruin everyone else’s."

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