Education Spotlight MPS Hillary Wood

Dec. 28—Tell us about your educational highlight. What is it and how did you do it?

"I was inspired to go into education by my mother, Debbie Dennis; my grandmother, Jeanette Hunt; my aunt, Donna Moore, and my great-grandparents Helen and Gene Coolbaugh. Being that I was born into a family of educators, teaching is something that feels natural to me. I am deeply passionate about my students and their journey with literacy. I feel honored that I was chosen to be featured- there are so many other educators in our county that deserve recognition."

Why is this accomplishment important to you?

"This accomplishment is important to me because it shows my children that with hard work you can achieve success. My children see me working in my classroom preparing lessons, grading, setting up stations, and it is rewarding for me to show them the recognition one receives for a job well done."

How much did you have to work to accomplish this goal or honor?

"I feel that, as an educator who cares for her students, I put in the work needed to push them towards success. My husband and I have made sacrifices so that I can afford to teach as it is my passion. You never are truly working when you love what you do."

What plans do you have for the future?

"I have many plans for the future. My daughter graduates in two years and I plan to relish in that achievement with her as well as cheer her on with Muskogee Guard program, and my youngest three are involved in Sadler Arts Academy, Muskogee Little Theatre, Melissa's Dance Studio and Rougher Sports activities and I plan on cheering them on for each of those accomplishments. My husband, Colton Wood, graduates with his Doctorate in Educational Leadership this May and I am also looking forward to that. Personally, however, my plans are to continue in the classroom teaching students the subject I love for many years to come."

— Cathy Spaulding