How to effectively eliminate bed bugs from your home according to expert

Closeup woman's hand using vacuum cleaner to vacuum matress
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Bed bugs reach peak activity from June to early October and can be really tricky to spot. These pests are approximately 5mm long and 2mm wide, with rounded bodies and smaller heads featuring two antennae.

They sport a reddish-brown hue and have non-functional vestigial wings. These critters are usually found on beds, mattresses, and headboards, as well as in room crevices and cracks. They can easily hitch a ride on clothing and suitcases.

After feeding, bed bugs take on a more vivid red colour and appear temporarily swollen. While these pests are "notoriously hard to get rid of", it's "not an impossible task", according to Jonathan Kirby, a pest control expert at NOPE!, reports the Express.

He shared his "best method" for dealing with them. He advised: "Once you've correctly identified that bed bugs are in your home, this four-step pest control strategy will help you get rid of the critters."

Wash bedding and laundry at high temperatures

Shake all bedding and clothes outside of the home to remove eggs, moulted casings and dead bed bugs. Then, wash all affected bedding and clothes at a high temperature of over 60 degrees.

Lowering the temperature to 40 degrees will kill adult bed bugs, but only about 25 percent of the eggs.

Clean the surrounding areas

Vacuum all areas of suspected bed bug activity, including along mattress edges, under and around beds, and use a coarse brush to get rid of debris. Bed bugs can easily escape from your kitchen bin, so it's crucial to empty the vacuum cleaner immediately and dispose of its contents outside your home. Don't overlook areas like skirting boards where bed bugs may be hiding.

Jonathan suggests starting from the furthest point of known bed bug activity and working your way inwards. He added: "This also helps minimise the accidental spread of bed bugs elsewhere in the home."

Treat the area

After you've finished cleaning, apply a bed bug killer to mattresses, furnishings, and furniture to "eradicate living bed bugs" and "prevent re-infestation for up to three months". Bed bugs often hide in cracks and gaps, so make sure to spray those areas thoroughly. One product that Jonathan recommends is the NOPE!


The final step is to regularly vacuum your mattresses and bedding, paying special attention to seams and corners. Also, repair any cracks in walls, skirting boards, or other small defects where a bed bug could potentially infest.

Moreover, before bringing items like second-hand furniture and clothing into your home, always check for signs of bed bugs.