Election Board removes 2 candidates from primary ballot

Feb. 26—ANDERSON — The Madison County Election Board has voted to remove two candidates from the Republican Party primary ballot.

The Election Board voted to remove Marquest Higgins, who was running for the District 2 position on the Madison County Board of Commissioners.

It also voted to remove Joseph Culp from running for one of the three at-large seats on the Madison County Council.

Both were removed from the ballot for not complying with state law requiring them to have voted in the two most recent Republican Party primaries.

Higgins who was running against Rick Gardner and Devin Norrick intends to appeal the decision through the local courts.

Higgins ran as the Republican Party nominee in the 2023 Anderson city election, losing to incumbent Democrat Joe Newman in District 6.

He said Russ Willis, GOP party county chairman and president of the Election Board, certified him as a candidate for the Anderson city council.

Willis said he certified Higgins to run as a Republican Party candidate only through the end of 2023.

"You certified me last year and challenged me this year," Higgins said.

Willis said under state law Higgins didn't cast a vote in two Republican Party primary elections as required by state law.

"The challenge was filed based on state law and party rules," Willis said.

Cope was running for the council in a race with Mikeal Vaughn, James Abraham, Carl Abel, Jason Brizendine, Jonathan Culp, Kristi Grabowski, Scott Green and Jason Turner.

Joseph Culp only voted in the 2023 GOP primary and put the wrong date on the form.

Todd Culp said Joseph made a mistake on his birthdate and only voted once in a primary because he was 17 years old.

"You have to be 18 to vote," Todd Culp said. "He was only eligible to vote in one primary."

Katherine Callahan filed the challenge and agreed that 18-year-old Indiana residents are put in a bad position by the voting in two primary election requirement.

The Election Board denied challenges filed by Callahan against Rick Gardner, Todd Culp and John Richwine.

Callahan said that the three candidates failed to properly fill out the declaration of candidate forms.

"We live in a nation of rules that don't apply to Madison County," she said.

She also contended that Gardner and Culp didn't use their legal names.

Culp said he always goes by the name Todd and it was determined using that name was valid.

Gardner said he has run for elective office a dozen times always using the name Rick.

Callahan is running against Todd Culp for the party's Auditor nomination.

Richwine is seeking re-election to the Madison County Board of County Commissioners in the May 7 primary against Lisa Rinker.

"You're caught in the crossfire," Callahan said to Todd Culp. "Rules apply to everyone."

She said Culp didn't initial certain boxes on the candidate form, but only used check marks.

The board determined that it was Culp's intent that mattered on the form and the check marks were sufficient.

Callahan asked Willis to recuse himself from voting on the Richwine challenge.

"They're going to do what they want," she said. "Our process in Madison County is flawed."

Follow Ken de la Bastide on Twitter @KendelaBastide, or call 765-640-4863.