New electric car rules in UK needed with 'chargers' impacted most

The UK has come under pressure to introduce new electric vehicle (EV) rules - especially around charging cars. Electric car charging needs a major overhaul because there is currently "too much focus" on public chargers with hopes that 300,000 EV chargers will be installed by 2030.

If the uptake of EVs stays slow, amid a u-turn over the petrol and diesel ban, it is feared the country could fall well short of its net zero goals. Parties like the Labour Party, Conservative Party and Liberal Democrats have been urged to share their plans for EVs and how they plan to drive up the number of motorists switching to eco-friendly models.

Denis Watling, managing director at ChargeGuru UK, said: "The purpose of setting a large target is understandable – it encourages the industry to work hard to reach these targets – but we feel there’s often too much focus on public charging when looking at the UK’s EV infrastructure goals.

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"The ability for the vast majority of drivers to charge at home is essential for large-scale EV adoption. Ultimately, cars spend most of their time parked at home, meaning it’s most time efficient for drivers to charge overnight when parked up.

"This doesn’t mean that public charging infrastructure doesn’t need to stay aligned with EV adoption – of course it does." Watling added: "However, just like petrol forecourts today, I believe the increase in public charging locations will be driven by large businesses who see the commercial benefit of doing so.

"Enabling home charging en-mass will lessen the pressure on the absolute necessity to reach the 100,000 and 300,000 targets. I believe that simple supply and demand dynamics will then come into play and that industry will deliver the number of public chargepoints required to service the market, whilst making it a profitable business."