Emergency services harassed by drunk man while saving woman from water

Emergency services harassed by drunk man while saving woman from water <i>(Image: Southbourne Coastguard)</i>
Emergency services harassed by drunk man while saving woman from water (Image: Southbourne Coastguard)

EMERGENCY services were harassed by a drunk man when trying to help a woman in difficulty in the water by Bournemouth Pier.

Southbourne Coastguard received reports of a female in difficulty in the water at 7.37pm on June 25.

Once on scene with the ambulance service, they found the casualty lying face up on the waters edge.

The ambulance staff were struggling to get he woman out of the water and were assisted by paramedics in getting her out and into the ambulance.

During this, the team were ‘hindered’ by an aggressive intoxicated male and police assistance was requested.

Once the casualty was secure in the ambulance, paramedics and coastguard waited for police to arrive to conduct a welfare check.

However, the casualty was intoxicated and refusing hospital treatment so once welfare check were completed the team stood down and returned to the station.