Emmerdale airs Mackenzie and Charity outcome in throwback scene

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Emmerdale has aired a resolution for Mackenzie and Charity in a throwback scene.

In recent episodes, Mackenzie has refused to give Charity the space she's asked for as she continues struggling with killing gangster Damon 'Harry' Harris.

Mack decided to bunk off work in Tuesday's (March 12) episode to "take care" of Charity after a therapy session, only to discover she'd gone missing from the house.

When he went to the Woolpack to see if Charity had been there, Chas helped him realise that his attempts to comfort his wife were coming off more like smothering her.

"I'm sorry, okay?" Mack told Chas. "I'm just worried. She's turned her phone off."

charity, mackenzie, emmerdale

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Mack eventually found Charity with her car broken down on the roadside, near where they first met. Charity insisted she needed time alone, telling Mack she's "a long way from being fixed".

"No-one's expecting you to be fixed," Mack assured her.

Mack was stunned when Charity revealed she'd been headed home to end their marriage. She explained she needed to sort herself out before she "could even entertain" a relationship.

He tried to convince his wife she was punishing herself unfairly for having killed Harry, though Charity told him his words were cold comfort.

"I ended a man's life and before you say he wasn't a good man, it turns out that prospect wasn't quite as confident as you'd think," Charity said.

"It hasn't stopped me from falling apart. It hasn't stopped me from reliving it day after day, and it hasn't stopped me from stabbing you!"

mackenzie boyd, charity dingle, emmerdale

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When Charity insisted that the couple weren't good for each other, Mack offered to genuinely give her space by staying at Moira's.

"Please, Charity, please don't throw this away," Mack begged, but she declared: "It's over. You have to accept that."

A distraught Mack went to work trying to fix Charity's car at the roadside, but as she went to walk home, Mack shouted out that he'd never expected her to "give up on someone you love".

As the couple realised they were in the spot where they first met, Mack promised Charity she didn't need to feel "alone" or "scared".

"I love you, Charity Dingle, and I always will," he told her.

When Mack went to leave, Charity stopped him to admit she couldn't let him go. Charity told Mack that they were soul mates and she couldn't get through her trauma without him.

"I love you," Charity assured Mack.

The two shared a romantic kiss as the episode came to an end…

Emmerdale airs on weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV1, and streams on ITVX.

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If you've been affected by the issues raised in this story, organisations who can offer support include the NHS, Samaritans on 116 123 or Mind on 0300 123 3393. Readers in the US are encouraged to visit mentalhealth.gov.

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