Emmerdale June plot twist deepens as Ella's true colours shown

-Credit: (Image: ITV)
-Credit: (Image: ITV)

The mystery surrounding ITV Emmerdale's newcomer Ella Forster (played by Paula Lane) is set to deepen. This week, she moved into Liam's (Jonny McPherson) home after he found her sleeping in his car.

Mandy (Lisa Riley), upon spotting a photograph among Ella's possessions showing two young girls - one with red hair and the other with black curly hair - was quickly stopped by Ella who snatched the photo away. Adding to the intrigue, Ella later slipped away from the village to visit a care home where she spent time with an elderly woman named June Phillips, who suffers from dementia.

The pair share a past that has left them both 'very sad'. In Friday's episode (May 24), Ella returned to the care home with flowers for June, only to discover that her room was empty.

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Upon enquiring about June's whereabouts, Ella was devastated to learn that June had passed away the previous night. A heartbroken Ella was left alone in June's room, surrounded by her belongings, struggling to come to terms with the loss.

The woman who had informed Ella about June's passing then approached her with more distressing news. She instructed Ella that she needed to vacate the room immediately as only family members were permitted to handle the aftermath of June's death.

This raises the question, if Ella isn't a relative of June, why was she devoting so much time to her?

Emmerdale viewers did, however, have other ideas to what the relationship is between the characters. Westie wrote: "June has to be Ella’s gran." While, Mike Priestley put: "Aww Ella’s friend has died overnight… though could be a family member we still don’t know who she was."

Another puzzled: "so is this Ella/Emma Mandy's long lost daughter?" Eli wrote: "Are we supposed to care for Ella and the random woman we met yesterday?"