Emmerdale spoilers: Mack and Chloe to marry, Charles returns and attacks a villager

Read on for your Emmerdale spoilers for the week of 25-29 September 2023. (ITV)
Read on for your Emmerdale spoilers for the week of 25-29 September 2023. (ITV)

There are big engagement and pregnancy developments on Emmerdale next week as Mack and Chloe reveal some happy news. But is all as it seems?

Plus Charles is back and consumed with rage, Chas is in need of reassurance, and Gail’s secret is out.

It’s your big Emmerdale spoilers rundown for the week of 25-29 September 2023.

Mack and Chloe get engaged


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Monday 25th September 2023

When Mack Boyd [LAWRENCE ROBB] returns and catches Chloe [JESSIE ELLAND] ordering a test on her phone, he’s speechless to think she is pregnant again. After she lays out her pregnancy evidence, Mack’s elation goes into overdrive and he proposes to speechless Chloe, who giddily accepts. 

Picture contact - David.crook@itv.com

Photographer - Mark Bruce

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Chloe suspects that she may be pregnant again, and Mack is left speechless when he catches her ordering a test on her phone. Chloe then explains the situation to Mack, who is overwhelmed with excitement and proposes marriage. Chloe, for her part, giddily accepts.

The following day, the pair reveal all to family and friends about both the pregnancy and the engagement. But Mack is left fending off Moira’s concerns about how rushed this all is, while Nate sees right through to his friend’s desire to have another kid.

Soap spoilers revealed

However, there are unexpected developments later in the week when Chloe’s period comes, but worried about Mack’s reaction, she finds she can’t tell him that there won’t be a baby. In turmoil, Chloe confides in Amy her worry that Mack will no longer want her if he discovers what’s happened.

But the next day, a guilty-feeling Chloe finds the courage to admit the truth to Mack – but how will he react?

Charles’s guilt is unleashed


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Thursday 28th September 2023

Troubled to see Charles Anderson [KEVIN MATHURIN] drinking so liberally in the Woolpack, Tom King [JAMES CHASE] watches as a black cloud descends over him. After trying to sympathise with Charles, Tom only riles him up more. Charles lashes out and Tom retorts, but soon finds himself pinned to the bar by Charles, to the shock of all onlookers. After threats and placations all around, the arrival of Charles’ family finally snaps him out of his rage to release Tom. As Charles flees, his family are concerned. 

Picture contact - David.crook@itv.com

Photographer - Mark Bruce

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Charles Anderson [KEVIN MATHURIN], Tom King [JAMES CHASE] (ITV)

Claudette receives help with the planning of Victor's funeral from both Manpreet and Ethan. But Manpreet is continuing to struggle under the weight of the secret she’s keeping and ends up leaving Charles a voicemail, begging him to return to the village.

Eventually, Charles does indeed arrive home, unable to run any longer. But rather than tell mum Claudette the truth, he instead starts drinking heavily in the Woolpack. Tom is there at the pub to witness Charles’s descent, but when he tries to sympathise, the vicar lashes out and pins him to the bar, much to the shock of the regulars.

Thankfully, the arrival of his family manages to snap Charles out of his rage and he releases Tom. Charles then flees, only for Manpreet to catch up with him and beg him to admit all. But there’s no guarantee that she’ll be able to get through to him…

Marlon reassures Chas


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Friday 29th September 2023

Marlon Dingle [MARK CHARNOCK] reassures Chas Dingle [LUCY PARGETER] that she is a good mother and that Eve will always love her. 

Picture contact - David.crook@itv.com

Photographer - Mark Bruce

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Marlon Dingle [MARK CHARNOCK], Chas Dingle [LUCY PARGETER] (ITV)

Chas and Paddy are a united force when they explain Paddy and Mandy’s relationship to daughter Eve. But, later on, Chas will be seen struggling to conceal his jealousy.

Noticing the envy that Chas is trying to hide, Marlon then attempts to offer words of reassurance. In a show of support, Marlon tells Chas she’s a good mother and that Eve will always love her.

What is Gail’s secret?


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Monday 25th September 2023

With Gail Loman’s [RACHAEL GILL-DAVIS] secret now out, how will Ryan Stocks [JAMES MOORE] and Gail move forward with the weight of her secret? 

Picture contact - David.crook@itv.com

Photographer - Mark Bruce

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Gail’s introduction to Emmerdale has, up until recently, been a rather low-key affair with the focus being on her various scrapes in the Woolpack kitchen.

But suddenly, she’s front and centre thanks to the disclosure of a secret that has become common knowledge. But can Ryan and Gail move forward now that all has been exposed?

Tom is in for a disappointment


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Thursday 28th September 2023

Tom King’s [JAMES CHASE] excitement is completely devastated when Belle Dingle [EDEN TAYLOR-DRAPER] tells him she can’t move in with him yet.

Picture contact - David.crook@itv.com

Photographer - Mark Bruce

This photograph is (C) ITV and can only be reproduced for editorial purposes directly in connection with the programme or event mentioned above, or ITV plc. This photograph must not be manipulated [excluding basic cropping] in a manner which alters the visual appearance of the person photographed deemed detrimental or inappropriate by ITV plc Picture Desk. This photograph must not be syndicated to any other company, publication or website, or permanently archived, without the express written permission of ITV Picture Desk. Full Terms and conditions are available on the website www.itv.com/presscentre/itvpictures/terms

He may only have been in the village for a mere couple of months, but already Tom feels settled in and optimistic about his future.

Yet that feeling is about to change on Thursday when excitement turns to complete disappointment after Belle tells Tom that she can’t move in with him yet.