Emmerdale viewers say 'god help her' after spotting Belle Dingle mistake

Tom and Belle King in Emmerdale
-Credit: (Image: ITV)

Emmerdale viewers were quick to spot a major problem as Belle Dingle made a huge decision. As viewers know Belle is pregnant and while Tom is over the moon it’s clear that she isn’t onboard with having a baby with her husband.

Tom has been abusing his wife since they got together and Belle knows that she can’t bring a child into this type of environment. During tonight’s episode of the ITV hit soap, Belle booked a secret termination but was left wondering how she would get to the appointment without Tom finding out.

Later Tom’s boss Rhona asked to go to a vet-call out so Belle took the opportunity to plan her trip and secretly take his car after finding the keys in a drawer at home. Belle knew she couldn’t take her phone because Tom had been tracking her every move so when she bumped into Amelia she asked if she could look after the dog for a few hours, and when she wasn’t looking, Belle slipped her phone into baby Esther’s pushchair.

READ MORE: Emmerdale icon Debbie Dingle's return ‘sealed’ as Belle Dingle takes a stand

Once she got to the clinic, she found out that she was four weeks pregnant. After speaking to the nurse they informed her that she was able to have a medical abortion if she still wanted to go ahead. She was instructed to take two tablets over the course of two days which would cause bleeding and cramping.

The nurse could see the distressed look on Belle’s face and instantly asked if everything was ok. Belle was reluctant to open up but she later admitted that husband Tom was unaware of the life-changing decision she was about to make. Belle was offered counselling to make sure that she was making the right decision but she insisted that didn’t want to go through with the pregnancy.

Once she got home, Belle nearly got caught as she spotted Tom and Rhona walking by the car but luckily they didn’t see her. As Belle left the car she accidentally left a parking ticket from the clinic on the floor. Meanwhile she was also unaware that Tom was currently tracking her phone to see where she was.

He bumped into Amelia and Esther and questioned why she had the dog but Belle popped out and claimed that they were on a walk together. When Tom wasn’t looking she managed to get her phone back. Back at home Belle was struggling as she went on to lock herself in the bathroom and took the first pill. Viewers watching at home have been left worried for Belle as they claimed that it won't end well once Tom finds the parking ticket on the floor of his car.

@boats_water Tweeted: “Oh Belle you were so close, the parking ticket! #Emmerdale.” @SG902110 wrote: “Belle left the ticket on the floor ffs #Emmerdale.” @DionPetrie commented: “The ticket Belle! #Emmerdale.” @RubyKathryn1 wrote: “Oh my god if Tom finds that ticket #emmerdale.”

@MeeshyJay said: “God help Belle if that abusive twat she married finds the parking ticket #Emmerdale.” While @ifeelflames added: “Belle is really not great at hiding her tracks he’s gonna find the parking ticket or the pills and kill her #Emmerdale.”

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