The ending of High Tides explained

Think drama, tension, romance and more in Netflix's latest drama, High Tides, which you need to add to your list of shows to binge-watch this cosy season.

The Belgian series follows a group of wealthy teenagers who face some seriously harsh realities and dramatic truths during a fateful summer spent by the coast.

So, we need to know, what happened to Claudia and who does Louise choose? Buckle up, because here is the ending of High Tides explained.

Alex finds out about Louise and Daan

Alex finds out that his girlfriend, Louise, was cheating on him with his friend, Daan, and goes on a violent, vengeful rampage where he attempts to drown Louise and attacks Alex with a hockey stick.

After the attack, Louise’s mental health worsens and she overdoses on drugs at her older sister’s bachelorette party. During her recovery, she then chooses to stay with Alex who soon confesses that his father murdered Claudia.

willem de schryver as alexander

Meanwhile, Melissa has pieced together that Eleonore and Claudia were having an affair and thinks Patrick must have killed Claudia out of jealousy.

Alex humiliates his father

While Melissa and Eleonore hatch a plan to get revenge on Patrick at his and Eleonore's anniversary party, Alex beats them to it. After discovering that Louise told Daan about his confession, he tries to assault her to which she pushes his away, breaks up with him and goes back to Daan.

Then, at the party, he shares a video of his father having sex with Christine with all of their guests, causing his little sister, Olivia, to break down and hide in Alex's room. Meanwhile, Melissa accuses him of killing her sister and soon, the truth behind Claudia’s disappearance is revealed.

Alex killed Claudia

We learn that after Patrick found out about Claudia and Eleonore's affair, he tried to strangle her over the balcony, but, he didn’t kill her. Instead, we find out that Alex accidentally pushed her off the railing when he tried to push his father off of her.

He confesses to killing Claudia, which explains why his mum, Eleonore, wanted to cover it up and why she was desperate to catch Patrick cheating on her.

anna drijver as melissa

Olivia kills Patrick

After the truth is revealed, Olivia emerges from Alex’s room with his gun in her hands, to which she shockingly shoots and kills her father.

Then, in the final scene, we see Louise and Daan by the coast to which she walks away from him alone.

High Tides is streaming on Netflix now.

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