'Entourage' Creator Melts Down At Satirical Article About 'Sensitivity Changes' To Show

"Entourage" starred Adrian Grenier, Rex Lee, Jerry Ferrara, Kevin Connolly, Debi Mazar, Jeremy Piven and Kevin Dillon.

The man who created the hit comedy show “Entourage” apparently can’t take a joke about his own show.

Earlier this week, the humor website McSweeney’s published a piece titled “HBO’s Sensitivity Readings For Entourage with a satirical take on how the show would be updated to address “problematic elements that were more socially acceptable” when the series was in production between 2004-11.

A fictional HBO executive suggested changing lines like the catchphrase “Let’s hug it out, bitch” to say “I value your male friendship and recognize your vulnerability, bro.”

On Thursday night, “Entourage” creator Doug Ellin lashed out in response to a tweet promoting the piece ― and it was obvious he thought it was for real:

You are very much a product of your time, you revisionist hack. talentless nobodies like you speak on twitter and then your zombie friends at shitty newspapers, that nobody reads anymore reprint your trash. Tell president Obama and the nytimes how offensive we were. Those who try to rewrite history are offensive. And dangerous. And Spielberg already regrets touching ET. Anyway, fuck you. Oh we got a Peabody and a bafta too, ya loser.

Some people tried to explain it was satire, but Ellin wasn’t buying it.

That led Max Davison, who authored the piece, to reply to Ellin and explain that, yes, it was a joke: “Doug, I wrote this piece. It’s satire. It’s taking sensitivity readings to the extreme of editing shows from 15 years ago. The ET joke was quite intentional.” 

“I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have Ari Gold scream obscenities at me. Now I know,” he added, referring to the “Entourage” character played by Jeremy Piven.

Ellin responded with a comment suggesting he’s not that temperamental.

On Friday morning, Ellin admitted that he didn’t read the piece thoroughly before tweeting, but claimed it wasn’t too far from the truth.

He also retweeted the Hollywood Reporter’s take on the incident with this PSA: “Don’t tweet on edibles.”