ESPN's Robert Griffin III Finds Out His Wife Is In Labor While Live On-Air

ESPN football analyst Robert Griffin III will never forget the 2022 Fiesta Bowl — even though he didn’t see the whole game.

That’s because the former NFL quarterback left near the end of the third quarter.

Griffin had a good reason for leaving: He had just found out his wife, Estonian heptathlete Grete Griffin, had gone into labor with their third child. He has a fourth child from a previous relationship.

Oh, and he learned this while he was live on-air doing the sport network’s “Field Pass with The Pat McAfee Show” coverage.

Viewers at home saw Griffin talking on the phone while another analyst was discussing the game. Although the co-hosts were confused by his actions, they understood when he hung up and told them, “Sorry guys, uh, I gotta go. My wife’s going into labor.”

After giving his co-hosts hugs, he ran off the field in Tempe, Arizona, and attempted to get home to his wife.

Griffin made sure to tweet the exchange.

He also posted updates, such as when he confirmed he had a flight home.

He did manage to arrive home before his wife gave birth ...

... But the baby has apparently decided to take its own sweet time.

In fact, the baby still hadn’t arrived as of Sunday morning, according to the New York Post.

But Grete Griffin did make an Instagram post where she expressed gratitude at her husband’s willingness to leave work to be at her side.

All I had to say was the word ‘labor’ and this man STOPPED CALLING A BOWL GAME and took off sprinting to the car to get to the airport and get on a 4 hour flight to make it home,” she wrote.

As for the game, Texas Christian University managed to upset Michigan 51-45 and will play the University of Georgia in the College Football Playoff National Championship on Jan. 9.