Essex woman with endometriosis told she had minuscule chance of conceiving becomes mum thanks to kind-hearted strangers

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A woman from Essex who had a minuscule 15 per cent chance of pregnancy has successfully become a mum after kind-hearted strangers raised £13k enabling her to pursue IVF. Gem Baker, 38, never gave up on her dream of motherhood, despite not meeting the right partner.

Diagnosed with endometriosis, Gem was informed that she had only a 35 per cent likelihood of conceiving naturally, leading her to explore the possibility of IVF. Despite shedding four stone in an attempt to boost her odds of conception, a fertility check revealed a shortage of eggs, fluctuating her chances of pregnancy to a disheartening 15 per cent.

An unshaken Gem rallied the money for the treatment through a GoFundMe campaign and by staking £4.5k from personal savings and family contributions. Following her second round of IVF, Gem received the thrilling news that she was expecting. Her dreams actualised when she welcomed her baby girl, Clover-Iris, last June becoming a solo mum by choice.

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Gem, who is a nursery manager residing in Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, shared: "I always wanted to be a mum. I hadn't found the right person. My chances were slim."

"I didn't have the biological clock to wait to find the perfect man. Being a mum is exactly what I dreamt and more. I feel like she's always been here."

Gem traced back her struggle with agonising monthly periods which aggravated considerably after she stopped birth control pills. It took numerous GP visits before she was diagnosed with endometriosis confirmed via diagnostic laparoscopy in May 2017.

In November 2018, Gem underwent eight separate procedures to eliminate the endometriosis. After her recovery, she began to explore IVF but was taken aback by the hefty price tag. She confessed: "I hit a brick wall. You don't realise how much money it costs until you look into it all."

She described the experience as "It's soul destroying." Her friend, Jen Glikofridis, 37, a personal assistant for a solicitor, suggested setting up a fundraising page to help cover the costs. Initially hesitant, she eventually agreed and was astounded by the response, saying: "It just went mental."

In total, Gem raised £13k, received £3k from her dad, Gary, 65, a construction contractor, and used £1.5k of her own savings to fund the IVF treatment. She also made significant lifestyle changes, slimming down from 15st 2lbs to 10st 10lbs and dropping from a size 16 to a size eight, to increase her chances of conceiving.

Gem shared: "I paid a set amount for two rounds." She wasn't overly picky about sperm donors, admitting: "I have got a thing for redhead guys - and managed to get one."

The donor's profile revealed he was a baker who did charity work, which appealed to Gem. She said: "He sounded grounded. I feel like he's a skinny man with curly red hair and a bit geeky. That's what I visualise."

She began her first round of IVF in August 2021, delayed due to the pandemic. Unfortunately, none of her eggs fertilised after the first round, and doctors discovered an infection in her right fallopian tube. It was too damaged and was removed in May 2022.

Following her recovery, Gem underwent her second round of IVF in September 2022 and successfully retrieved one egg. But just over a week later, she took a pregnancy test and it came back positive.

In her words: "I was in disbelief." She expressed her fondness for the experience, saying, "I loved being pregnant." Gem revealed that her family's support was unwavering throughout the process.

After being induced, she welcomed Clover-Iris into the world on June 18, 2023, with the baby weighing in at 7lbs 8oz. Reflecting on the moment she first saw her daughter, Gem exclaimed: "I just went 'OMG' - she looks like me and my dad."

She noted the striking resemblance, stating, "She was the spitting image of me as a baby." Now, at 11 months old, Clover-Iris is developing a personality, described by Gem as a "hilarious" toddler.

Gem gushed about her daughter, saying: "She's incredible and hilarious." She praised her daughter's curiosity and intelligence: "She's very inquisitive and very clever - that must be her dad's brain." Gem is delighted by her daughter's growth, sharing that "She's doing something new every day."

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