Everton fans hit out at Premier League over 'inconsistency' as Chelsea, Arsenal and Spurs watch on

Everton fans have criticised what they see as inconsistency in how breaches of Premier League financial rules are punished
Everton fans have criticised what they see as inconsistency in how breaches of Premier League financial rules are punished -Credit:Peter Byrne/PA

Everton supporters have lashed out at the Premier League for what they perceive as "inconsistency" in punitive measures imposed for breaches of the league's finance regulations.

On Monday, an independent commission deducted two points from the club owing to an overspend under the league's profitability and sustainability rules (PSR) spanning up until the 2022-23 season. Insisting on fighting the decision, Everton are set to lodge an appeal.

Notably, just last November, a previously-imposed 10-point penalty - again for a PSR violation that covered the period leading up to the 2021-22 season - was reduced to six following an appeal. Another club, Nottingham Forest, also received a four-point deduction for breaching PSR just last month. They, too, are in the process of appealing.

In a statement, the Everton Fan Advisory Board (FAB) drew attention to the varying results from past commission hearings. The statement argued that these disparities have left fans with more questions than answers.

"The only consistency throughout has been the inconsistency," added the statement, underscoring the board's growing discontent. The FAB further stated: "From the outset, it has been made clear that Everton Football Club has a case to answer, however, the only certainty we have is the Premier League's failure to provide transparent, fair and effective regulation of its own rules."

The Premier League currently lacks a systematic framework for dealing with PSR violations. Interestingly, back in 2020, clubs including Everton decided against introducing such a framework when the proposal was tabled at a meeting.

READ MORE: Everton learn FFP outcome

READ MORE: Premier League face more FFP points deduction chaos

At that time, it was decided that a rigid system of fixed sanctions would remove discretion from independent commissions and wouldn't allow them enough flexibility to consider aggravating and mitigating factors. It was also believed that providing clubs with less certainty over potential sanctions would act as a stronger deterrent against rule breaches.

Premier League clubs are currently developing new financial regulations to eventually replace PSR, which could be approved as soon as the league's annual general meeting in June. The FAB statement also took issue with the league for what it saw as "inaction" regarding the proposed takeover of the club by American investment firm 777 Partners.

This, coupled with perceived inconsistency in sanctioning, has "brought a palpable level of sporting interference to Everton's doorstep", according to the FAB. FAB also expressed disappointment at the commission's decision that the fan group and its statement had no impact in the case.

"The Premier League Independent Commission's decision to refuse to consider the views and impact on supporters couldn't be further from the Premier League's rhetoric about the importance and value of fan input," continued the FAB statement. "It raises real concern that the PL continues to erode the trust and good faith of football's biggest asset supporters."

The commission stated in its written reasons that it would not be right to consider the impact statement, noting: "As a matter of principle, it would be wrong for the views of Everton FAB to impact the appropriate sanction, particularly in circumstances where the supporters of other clubs would undoubtedly have other views they would ask us to consider."

Everton FAB has once more urged for the upcoming independent football regulator, which is set to undergo its second reading in Parliament post-Easter recess, to be endowed with sufficient authority to handle such issues. Yet, the Government has consistently reiterated that the Premier League will maintain control over its own rules even after the establishment of the new regulator.

According to the PSR standard directions, Everton's appeal hearing is required to wrap up by May 24 at the latest, which falls after the season's final matches on May 19. The decision on the appeal against the two-point deduction must be publicised before the June 1 'backstop date', potentially altering the league standings after the season's final whistle.

Additionally, the same commission that handed down the two-point sanction on Monday must deliberate on a disagreement between Everton and the league regarding certain costs related to their new stadium at Bramley-Moore Dock; this issue is not bound by the standard directions and does not need to be settled before June 1. The Premier League has been contacted for a response.