Boris Johnson said face masks guidance was ‘b----cks’, Covid Inquiry hears

Travellers wear face masks on the Tube in London in June 2020
Travellers wear face masks on the Tube in London in June 2020 - Leon Neal/Getty

Boris Johnson described guidance on face coverings as “b----cks”, the Covid Inquiry heard, as it emerged a top scientist contested the Government’s advice on masks during the pandemic.

In her testimony to the inquiry on Wednesday, Prof Dame Jenny Harries, who was the deputy chief scientific adviser during the crisis, admitted that evidence on the effectiveness of face coverings was still “uncertain”.

The hearing was shown an extract from the diary of Sir Patrick Vallance, the former chief medical officer, which referred to a meeting in July 2021 where Cabinet ministers discussed the dropping of all Covid restrictions.

Reflecting on the meeting, Sir Patrick wrote: “PM says what will we do if we make masks voluntary. What will ministers say they will do ‘sometimes I will, sometimes I won’t wear one’. ‘Are we going to encourage people to wear masks? Are we going to continue with this b----cks?’

The diary entry was shown during evidence given by Sajid Javid, who took over from Matt Hancock as health secretary during the pandemic.

Prof Jenny Harries gives evidence at the Covid Inquiry
Prof Jenny Harries gives evidence at the Covid Inquiry

Earlier in the day, the inquiry heard evidence from Prof Harries, the head of the UKHSA, who said in her witness statement that while face coverings were eventually used in Britain as a “precautionary tool”, the evidence base for their use in community settings “was and still is, to some degree, uncertain”.

The reason for this, she said, was partly because of the difficulty of designing a study to accurately test their effectiveness in real world conditions.

Mr Hancock, the then health secretary, announced on July 24 2020 that face coverings would become mandatory in shops and supermarkets, despite the World Health Organisation (WHO) previously announcing there was no conclusive evidence of their benefits in such environments.

In May 2020, the Government issued guidance for making face coverings at home, using elastic bands and two layers of cotton fabric or a single layer of a T-shirt.

The Covid Inquiry was shown how Prof Harries, who was then deputy chief medical officer for England, queried the guidance, saying that she thought both methods “were ineffective”.

Her comment to ministers read: “Just querying the logic behind needing to have two pieces of cotton fabric stacked on this version but only a single layer of cotton T-shirt in the previous model… I think they are both ineffective so I am not unduly worried but someone might want to think of an answer for the Q&As.”

Asked about her remarks, she told the inquiry: “The evidence at the time said at least three layers.

“The reason I said I think it’s ineffective was because the only evidence I think we had at the time was around three layers ... if [the guidance] said ‘three’, I’d have said, ‘okay, but make the guidance consistent’.”

Prof Harries said the document was sent to her in May when the WHO was yet to recommend the use of face coverings, adding: “Maybe I was a little bit annoyed, I can see in the tone there wasn’t a clear policy and yet I was being sent a document to sign off – something which I didn’t think was very evidence based, but that was not an infrequent occurrence.”

I quit over Cummings, says Javid

During his evidence, Mr Javid said that before his resignation as chancellor in February 2020, Dominic Cummings, Mr Johnson’s most senior advisor, was prime minister in “all but name” and that he stood down because of the behaviour of Mr Cummings.

Speaking to the inquiry, Mr Javid said: “I would say that as my time as chancellor, I considered that he sought to act as the prime minister in all but name and he tried to make all key decisions within No 10 - not the prime minister.

“I felt that the elected prime minister was not in charge of what was happening in his name and was largely content with Mr Cummings running the Government. I did not think that was right and that was why I ultimately resigned.”

He added: “On the day of my resignation, I told the prime minister that Mr Cummings was ‘running rings around him’ and ‘would not stop until he had burnt the house down’.”

The inquiry also heard from Dominc Raab, the ex-deputy prime minister, who rejected Mr Javid’s claim that Mr Johnson was not in charge of the Government over the period.

When asked if he agreed with this view during his appearance before the inquiry, Mr Raab said: “No, I don’t.”

He added: “There is a whole circus that can be built up in the media and elsewhere around the internal battles between individuals and some of that is natural and healthy.”

Mr Raab said he had “no beef” with Mr Javid, but simply disagreed with the former health secretary’s position. He added Mr Cummings was “trying to galvanise direction of travel” in Government which was “much needed”.

Boris demanded workshy staff return

In another outburst in the meeting on July 24 2021, Mr Johnson demanded “workshy” staff return to the office as he battled to reopen the country post lockdown.

According to an extract from Sir Patrick Vallence’s diary shown to the Covid Inquiry, the then prime minister insisted he wanted “all the malingering workshy people” back in the office,

“We can’t have the b—cks of consulting with employees and trade unions. They need to all come back to work,” Mr Johnson was recorded as saying during the meeting five days after most legal limits on social contract were removed in England and the final closed sectors of the economy re-opened.

Commenting on the numbers of civil servants back at work, Mr Johnson was also said to have remarked: “How would you be able to tell?”

Mr Johnson also asked “are we going to continue this b—cks?”, in a tense meeting with cabinet ministers and scientists in July 2021 about reopening the country.

Sending patients to care homes was appropriate

Dame Jenny also rejected suggestions there was “some degree of equanimity” about discharging Covid positive patients into care homes after the inquiry was shown an email from her to a Department of Health and Social Care civil servant which said the move would be “entirely clinically appropriate” if cases rise rapidly.

Andrew O’Connor, counsel to the inquiry, suggested there was “some degree of equanimity about discharging large numbers of Covid-19 patients into that very vulnerable environment”.

Dame Jenny, who was deputy chief medical officer during the pandemic, replied “if I may, I think that’s an interpretation”, adding: “This was a very high-level picture to reinforce, if you like, the position that the country was in at that weekend, and I think we’ve heard that in other places.

“If people were not thinking through what likelihood was in the rising numbers of cases, as we’ve heard, I don’t think we have sensible conversations about managing risks.

“This is not a policy at all. This is a statement of ‘if you have a pandemic in a country, how on earth are you going to manage that exponential rise in cases?’”

Sunak denies dying comment

Separately to the inquiry’s evidence on Wednesday, Rishi Sunak denied saying it was “OK” to let people die of coronavirus.

The Covid Inquiry was last week shown an extract from the diaries of Sir Patrick Vallance, who was the UK Government’s chief scientific adviser during the pandemic, from October 25 2020 which said that Mr Johnson had argued for “letting” Covid “rip” through the population as ministers debated a second lockdown in England.

The same entry has Sir Patrick recording Mr Cummings as having said: “Rishi thinks just let people die and that’s OK.”

During Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday, Labour MP Tulip Siddiq said she was “shocked that Downing Street didn’t categorically deny” the comments when asked about them by reporters last week, and asked Mr Sunak how people in government got “the impression that the Prime Minister was OK with people in our country dying?”.

Mr Sunak said he looked forward to providing his own evidence to the inquiry as he denied making the remark. “If she had taken the time to actually read the evidence submitted to the inquiry, she will have seen that the person she mentioned, the chief scientific adviser, confirmed he did not hear me say that. And that is because I didn’t.”

Mr Sunak and Mr Johnson are expected to give evidence before Christmas and the inquiry continues on Thursday when it will question Mr Hancock.

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