Ex-Fox Nation Reporter Lara Logan Spews Latest Bizarre Blood-Sucking Claim

Lara Logan, a former CBS News correspondent and an ex-Fox Nation host, isn’t backing down on her recent wacky claims about bloodthirsty people.

Logan, who reportedly got the boot from Fox after she equated Dr. Anthony Fauci to a Nazi doctor in 2021, has been barred from Newsmax TV as of last week over a conspiracy-laden rant that included claims about a global cabal.

She pointed to Yuval Noah Harari and the World Economic Forum during her rant before claiming they “dined on the blood of children.”

Logan appeared on pillow salesman Mike Lindell’s Frank Speech network on Monday to make more odd claims during a spiel about missing children.

“They just vanish? I don’t think so,” said Logan as she geared up to peddle a QAnon conspiracy theory.

“Every sex trafficking ring worldwide knows, bring the kids to the United States, that this administration is participating in the trafficking of kids.”

Logan, during another portion of the interview, later addressed a so-called report of a wonky anti-aging solution: the blood of children.

“How do you get the blood of young children? And does it matter if the children are younger and younger and younger?” Logan asked.

You can watch the peculiar clip of Logan’s remarks below.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
