Ex-homeless mum-of-three made £100k in hours selling tickets to show where she was the star

Dani and her family
Dani and her family -Credit:Clue Content

A once-homeless mum made £100k in just 48 hours by selling out tickets to an event which sees her act like a rock star.

Dani Wallace faced years of domestic abuse and homelessness. Despite her senior role in corporate leadership training Dani was forced into homelessness with her children.

In 2008, the 40-year-old, from Bolton, told the Mirror how she had been left a single mum of two by an abusive partner.

She said: "We survived by sofa surfing at family and friends until I found a place I could afford. I quite quickly settled down with a man who, after months of love bombing, turned out to be toxic, and eventually abusive. I was a lone parent on one income at the start of the recession. The nursery fees were crippling me but I refused to quit work, I want to thrive, I knew I could be successful but I remember feeling so unlovable and very vulnerable. I'd work all day and gig as a singer at night. It felt impossible at times, but I found the motivation to rebuild for myself and my family."


Dani spent the next five years rebuilding her life, and as she felt stronger, she started to share her experiences - in a bid to shine a light for others. She started to build her community - by doing Facebook lives in her car whilst trying to sell mascara - a side hustle she undertook for extra income whilst juggling gigging as a professional singer, and working to build a business as a motivational speaker, and coach.

And last month her success peaked after a 2025 event launch sold out at capacity of 600 tickets in 48 hours - banking over £100K and pushing her over the £1m earning marker since 2019. She is also now happily married to Mark Wallace, who quit his job as a driver to work within the business on the brand design, and they have a daughter, Ivy, 8, as well as Dani's children from her previous relationships, Eli 16, and Daisy, 14.

Dani has more than 100,000 followers across her social media
Dani spent five years rebuilding her life, and as she felt stronger, she started to share her experiences -Credit:Dani Wallace

Dani said: "I started the business with £300 in my back pocket to set up a Wix website. I wasn't able to invest in the business, I had to invest as I went. There was a lot of trial and error, but I grew the business to six figures in 12 months. I could never have imagined this new level of success. I have so many incredible people to thank for supporting my mission."

Dani's most recent work is The Big Festoon, a madcap stadium event for business owners to unite, learn, network, and celebrate themselves. The event was held at Bolton's Wanderers Stadium for 400 business owners over two days on March 21st and 22nd. Dani opened day 2 of the event in fancy dress as an inflatable dragon belting out Proud Mary - it's no ordinary business event.

There's entertainment, panels, live performances and celebrity guests, as well as speakers taking to the stage to share their stories and knowledge, to help inspire and motivate others, and start 'conversations that matter' The majority of the speakers are people new to public speaking -who have worked with Dani to craft their talks to share their missions. Dani has created a community who look up to her as an inspiration and there was even a tattoo artist at The Big Festoon inking bees onto guests who wanted a momento for life.

Dani said: "The Big Festoon is like no other event in the business calendar. It's fun, energetic, and thought provoking all at the same time - there is a big focus on mindset and self-improvement - we get good people doing good things in a room, and enable them to let their guards down so they can learn and connect in a very real way - like nothing else I've ever experienced'"

"The atmosphere is indescribable - anything goes. It is intentionally inclusive. We welcome everyone and actively welcome guests who are neurodivergent, LGBTQIA+ or disabled, along with members of the black community, having made sure we have created a safe environment for them with active representation, good accessibility throughout the venue, sensory breakout areas, captioned screens, and things like non gendered toilets and pronoun badges if people wish to use them. I am here to change the game for business events."

The Big Festoon website describes it as: "A delicious 2 day all-you-can-eat buffet of business and personal development to help you take up space, grow your business and amplify your success."

It took just 48 hours for mum-of-three Dani Wallace, 40, to make £100,000 by putting on a major gig in Bolton
"The Big Festoon is like no other event in the business calendar" -Credit:Clue Content

Dani, who has over 100,000 followers across her social media said: "My business is called 'I am the Queen Bee' and that's how I want the people who come to my events to feel - special and one of a kind. The Big Festoon is about us all coming together to link arms, like bees do when they festoon."

"The name came about when I was watching The Bee Movie with my kids one day and there was a quote at the start of the movie that floored me. It said that 'according to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its' wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.' The quote resonated around my own darkest moments and how I had also been able to fly against the odds."

Dani says her intention if she found success was to give back and provide support to the women coming up behind her. Now she feels able to do that with public speaking bootcamps and coaching, and by providing a fiercely kind and supportive community online and in real life. She has also started a foundation, The Fly Away Foundation to help domestic abuse survivors access some of the best business mentors and business service providers in the UK. You can learn more about Dani's work on her Instagram.

Dani added: "It was always my intention, from the second I heard the Bee Movie quote to create a foundation that would help survivors of domestic abuse, to give them wings and build businesses." Over the past couple of years, Dani has raised over £25K for domestic abuse charities, including Women's Aid, and now she is excited to have her own Foundation, which she founded with her sister, and the pair have ambitious plans.

Dani added: "Taking back control of your life after you have escaped a toxic relationship is incredibly difficult. Learning to trust yourself, your talents and believing in your worth as an independent, whole person is a constant struggle, especially if you are trying to do that on your own. I am so proud of what I have achieved since 2019 and I want to help others feel this magic too."

If you have been affected by issues of domestic violence or coercive control you can call Refuge's 24-Hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline for free. The number is 0808 2000 247.