Ex-Labor Secretary Delivers Stark 'Hitler's Playbook' Warning Over Donald Trump

Bill Clinton-era Labor Secretary Robert Reich, in a YouTube video released Tuesday, compared the tactics and rhetoric once used by Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler with those currently being deployed by Donald Trump, as well as the presumptive GOP nominee’s plans should he win back the White House.

These include using threats of violence to gain power, consolidating that power after an election victory by turning “every arm of government into a tool of the party” (which Trump and his allies reportedly want to do), establishing a police state (also an apparent Trump desire), jailing the political opposition (ditto) and undermining the free press. (On various occasions, Trump has verbally attacked media organizations that cover him critically.)

“Within a democracy, we may often have leaders we don’t like. But we have the power to change them at the ballot box and through public pressure,” Reich said in the video, titled “How Trump Is Following Hitler’s Playbook.”

“Once fascism takes hold, those freedoms are gone and cannot easily be won back,” warned Reich, who has previously explained in a separate video why he believes Trump is a fascist.

“We must recognize the threat of fascism when it appears and do everything in our power to stop it,” he added.

Trump has reportedly expressed admiration for Hitler, and critics argue that he’s parroted the dictator’s language with some of his recent inflammatory comments.

Watch Reich’s new video here:
