Exact time you could spot Red Arrows flying across Essex this weekend

Red Arrows arrive in Zadar, Croatia
-Credit: (Image: Red Arrows/UK MOD)

People in part of Essex could be treated to a sighting of the world-famous Red Arrows this weekend. The iconic red jets are set to be based at Southend Airport when not performing at some nearby displays.

It will be a rare opportunity for people in Essex to spot the Red Arrows this summer as they will not be part of the Clacton Airshow line-up due to overseas commitments. The Red Arrows will not be performing over Clacton this August as they are due to be overseas for five weeks to help mark the centennial of the Royal Canadian Air Force.

The jets, known for their eye-catching displays, will be arriving at Southend at around 2:41pm on Sunday (June 30) having been in Bournemouth earlier in the day. They will stay their until around 5pm when they will embark on a trip towards Folkestone before returning at around 5:42pm, according to the Military Airshows website.

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The Red Arrows' base at Southend means residents in south Essex might get to spot the iconic aircraft as they head to and from their official engagements. London Southend Airport recommends a spot close to St Laurence Park for plane spotting.

The iconic jets provided another impressive display when their flew past Buckingham Palace as part of the Trooping the Colour earlier in June.

The event, to commemorate King Charles III's birthday, saw the red, white and blue of the Union Jack spread over the skies as they flew down The Mall. Squadron Leader Jon Bond, who will lead the Arrows as Red 1 for the first time this year, said: “To bring together the past, present and potential future of the Red Arrows is the perfect way to launch our 60th season display calendar.

"The Red Arrows will perform a new, nine-aircraft show at locations across the UK this summer and the whole team of 140 people, both air and ground crew, are humbled by the countless individuals whom have already got in touch to say how they can’t wait to see this diamond display.

“Generations of families, up and down the country, have enjoyed watching the Red Arrows display ever since the first public show in 1965 and this 60th season will remain faithful to our aims – to entertain, inform and inspire.”