'Exceptionally good turnout' for Hull D-Day 80th anniversary remembrance service

June 6, 1944 was a defining day not only in the Second World War, but in all of history.

D-Day was a pivotal moment in the liberation of Nazi-occupied Europe. As well as starting the movement of freeing Western Europe, it led to the defeat of Adolf Hitler and his regime. Some 153,000 Allied troops stormed the beaches of Normandy on that day, with thousands making the ultimate sacrifice during Operation Overlord.

In a memorial service held 80 years on organised by the Hull Independent Merchant Navy Association, an "exceptionally good turnout" from the public and Forces personnel past and present paid their respects to the fallen at Minerva Pier.

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Standards were led in by Pipe Major Dale McClean, followed by The Lord Mayor Cllr Mark Collinson alongside Town Crier Michael Wood. Participants of the processions had a wealth of service medals, with many wearing those awarded to their parents - some who had been involved in the D-Day landings in Normandy.

Parade of Standards from the Hull Independent Merchant Navy Association  at Minerva Pier to mark 80 years since D-Day
Parade of Standards from the Hull Independent Merchant Navy Association at Minerva Pier to mark 80 years since D-Day -Credit:Hull Independent Merchant Navy Association

Members of The Royal Navy, The Merchant Navy, Submariners, Hull Fishing Heritage Centre and The Mayor all laid wreaths at the service. Contingents from naval groups all around Yorkshire travelled to the event. There were also members of the public present from Ukraine who had only the day before had 'memory day' where they remember the children who have died in the current conflict.

A woman from Crete who talked about the war as it had affected her family was in attendance, as was a man from Australia who had been up watching the remembrance parade there before coming to the pier.

Members of the Hull Independent Merchant Navy Association. (L-R) Chairman Andrew Strong, Secretary Paul Ralph, Vice President Reg Kem, Almoner Fred Simmons and Hon. Life President R. Brain Shepard (front)
Members of the Hull Independent Merchant Navy Association. From left, Chairman Andrew Strong, Secretary Paul Ralph, Vice President Reg Kem, Almoner Fred Simmons and Hon. Life President R. Brain Shepard (front) -Credit:Hull Independent Merchant Navy Association

More than 20 D-Day heroes from Hull died on the first day of reclaiming Europe. They were:

  1. Lance Corporal Alfred Jones, East Yorkshire Regiment 2nd Bn. Age 32.

  2. Lance Corporal Walter Edward Clark, East Yorkshire Regiment 2nd Bn. Age 24.

  3. Private Harry Merrikin, East Yorkshire Regiment 5th Bn. Age 33.

  4. Sergeant Eric Ibbetson, East Yorkshire Regiment 2nd Bn. Age 29.

  5. Private Samuel Harry Hutchinson, East Yorkshire Regiment 2nd Bn. Age 28.

  6. Sapper Albert Lowson, Royal Engineers 223 Field Coy. Age 28.

  7. Private Eric Sanderson, Green Howards (Yorkshire Regiment) 6th Bn. Age 21.

  8. Sergeant John Francis Johnson, East Yorkshire Regiment 2nd Bn. Age 31.

  9. Private Donald La Basse Mars, East Yorkshire Regiment 2nd Bn. Age 28.

  10. Private Eric Johnson, East Yorkshire Regiment 5th Bn. Age 23.

  11. Sargent James Thomas Jenson, Hampshire Regiment 1st Bn. Age 32.

  12. Private Geoffrey Edward Wrightson, East Yorkshire Regiment 2nd Bn. Age 18.

  13. Private Thomas Gordon Lonsdale, The Parachute Regiment, A.A.C. 12th (10th Bn. The Green Howards [Yorkshire Regt.]) Bn. Age 22.0

  14. Able Seaman Dennis Burrows, Royal Navy (H.M.S. Victory IV). Age 20.

  15. Private Arthur Plummer, East Yorkshire Regiment 2nd Bn. Age 20.

  16. Private James Clifford Quantock, East Yorkshire Regiment 2nd Bn. Age 20.

  17. Corporal George Pounder Wilson, East Yorkshire Regiment 2nd Bn. Age 25.

  18. Sergeant Frederick Samuel Rawlings, East Yorkshire Regiment 5th Bn. Age 25.

  19. Flying Officer James Brooks Hornby, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, 149 Squadron. Age 21.

  20. Lance Corporal George Hall, East Yorkshire Regiment 2nd Bn. Age 28.

  21. Corporal Leonard William Green, Corps of Military Police, 50 Divisional Provost Coy. Age 27.

  22. Private Albert Edward Redhead, Hampshire Regiment 1st Bn. Age 24.