The Expanse: Amazon revive show for season 4

Following a wave go high-profile support – from the likes of George RR Martin, Will Wheton, and Patton Oswalt – the powers at Amazon have decided to save The Expanse.

Jeff Bezos, CEO of the company and a fan of the show’s source material, made the announcement while speaking at the National Space Society, a talk attended by cast and crew.

“I just got word that The Expanse was saved,” Bezos told the room. “These guys are unbelievably talented so I’m glad you are going to get to continue.”

The producers of the show, Alcon Entertainment co-founders Andrew Kosove and Broderick Johnson, issued a statement, reading: “We couldn’t be more excited that The Expanse is going to continue on Amazon Prime! We are deeply grateful that Jeff Bezos, [new Amazon Studios head] Jen Salke, and their team at Amazon have shown such faith in our show,” said who produce the series.

“We also want to thank Laura Lancaster, head of Alcon Television for her tireless efforts. We are fully aware that this wouldn’t have been possible if it wasn’t for the staggering outpouring of support from the most creative, hardest working sci-fi fans around the world. From reddit campaigns to airplanes, we say thank you. It worked!”

The Expanse began in 2015, continuing for three seasons on American network SyFy. The science-fiction space exploration series has since garnered impressive reviews, the third season achieving a 100 percent score on the review aggregate website Rotten Tomatoes, one reviewer saying the show is “to this decade what Battlestar Galactica was to the previous one.”

Following the cancellation, various petitions began calling on Amazon to save the series, one gaining for beyond 100,000 signatures and the hashtag #SaveTheExpanse doing the rounds on social media. A similar response to Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s cancellation by Fox also saw that show being saved by another network.