Expert explains 'correct' way to drink beer that can make it taste 'even better'

Close up of a customers at a bar holding a beer and making a toast with people having fun at the background
There is a certain way to drink beer that makes it more enjoyable -Credit:Getty Images

Good weather always brings out the urge in Brits to enjoy an ice cold beer in the sun, but they may not be aware that they are drinking their pint incorrectly.

Beer experts say there are many errors that people can make when sipping on their suds, from chugging it too fast or drinking from the wrong glass. If you're wondering how you should savour your beverage the right way, one professional is here to help.

It turns out that in order to properly drink a beer, a pint glass should be avoided at all cost, according to Grace Daley, Cruzcampo's UK Senior Brand Manager. While this may be a shock for hardcore beer lovers, she said another shaped glass can make the drink far more enjoyable, reports the Mirror.

Speaking to Femail, Grace explained that Cruzcampo beer is often served in a chalice, to ensure it "remains cold", and keeps the bubbles in the drink "lively", rather than a pint glass.

She also recommended that those who love to guzzle pints should drink more "slowly", using "all your senses" so you can treat drinking the beer as an experience, rather than knocking it back quickly and taking it for granted. If you want to look like a "real expert", she recommended that you take a sip, and let the taste "glide over your tongue from front to back".

A chalice glass can apparently make a difference a beer's flavour -Credit:Getty Images
A chalice glass can apparently make a difference a beer's flavour -Credit:Getty Images

Grace warned that beer should never be kept in the freezer, and it also shouldn't be kept in direct sunlight to avoid the taste from being impacted.

She added that while you might automatically think of wine pairing when it comes to alcohol and food, beer can also be paired with yummy grub too, sharing that Cruzcampo beer is best served with tapas, as "the crisp, malty and slightly sweet taste, with a hint of bitterness cuts through rich, full-flavoured tapas".

It turns out we've also been drinking wine all wrong too, and we should be following a '20/20 hack' for an entirely better taste. Heather Muriello, a New York-based alcohol specialist, took to Instagram this month to show her 10k followers how to up their wine game and impress whoever their hosting on a Saturday night.

"Have you heard of the 20/20 rule for wine?", she posted to her page @winefarer. "Learn this game-changing 20/20 rule in wine. Chill your reds in the fridge 20 minutes before serving to unleash their complex flavours, while letting whites rest out of the fridge for 20 minutes to reveal their full bouquet and bright acidity."

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