Expert says there's an 'unusual' trick you can try if you can't sleep at night

There's a simple brain game you can play to help you drift off (stock photo)
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The digital age has brought countless tips and tricks into our lives, especially for tricky issues like insomnia. Amongst the vast swath of suggestions, one lesser-known tip includes spritzing a bit of fragrance before trying to sleep.

Is there any truth to the idea that your chosen scent could be the ticket to dreamland, or might it just be a way to breeze through that bottle of perfume unnecessarily?

Chez Pierre's fragrance expert Petar Peric recommends the practice, asserting: "Smells play an important role in the physiological effects of mood and stress. Using your favourite fragrance, you can evoke feelings of happiness and relaxation which can improve our sleep quality. We use fragrances all the time to boost our mood during the day, so adding smells to your bedtime routine is worth trying if you are having difficulty sleeping."

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Nonetheless, while certain scents may be conducive to a blissful slumber, Peric cautions against some fragrances.

Petar advises: "Everyone is different so finding the perfume that relaxes you may take some practice, but in general I would advise that you don't use perfumes that revitalise you just before bed. Avoid any perfumes that contain a citrus, peppermint or lemongrass base as these are energising smells that can wake you up, these smells are better kept for the morning."

The ancient Greeks were advocates of using scents to cure ailments such as insomnia, with lavender being particularly noted for enhancing sleep quality and lengthening deep sleep cycles. If your perfume collection lacks a splash of lavender, there are still a myriad of fragrances that can usher in relaxation.

Petar explained: "Sandalwood, Bergamot, Chamomile and Vanilla are scents that can be used to help aid relaxation and sleep. Vanilla, for instance, is a comforting scent that can calm the mind and body which can promote relaxation and reduce stress levels. Sandalwood is a scent that promotes a sense of inner peace, Bergamot can relieve anxiety, while Chamomile is widely regarded as a sleep-inducer."

He further advised: "If you are having trouble sleeping you should test which scent works best for you. Once you have found one that relaxes you, apply it to your pulse points around five minutes before bedtime. Don't spray your perfume on your pillows as some influencers recommend as this could cause eye irritation, keeping you up all night."

However, the idea of using pricey perfumes solely for bedtime may seem wasteful to some. Nonetheless, Petar suggests a cost-effective approach doesn't necessitate luxury scents.

"Designer perfumes can be expensive because they are made to last, with most people falling asleep in 20 minutes or less you only need the smell to stick around for that time, which means you can use cheaper perfumes to save some money while getting a good night's sleep," Petar said.