Expert shares simple tips to alleviate hay fever symptoms

As we are in the midst of hay fever season in the U.K., many of us are searching for ways to alleviate the symptoms.

Hay fever can cause a range of symptoms, from a runny nose to swollen skin under the eyes.

Consultant ophthalmologist Mr Alex Day has provided some key advice to help people effectively manage hay fever symptoms.

Minimise outdoor exposure during peak pollen season

If you have hay fever, staying indoors during peak pollen times can help.

"Pollen levels tend to be highest during mid-morning and early evening," Mr Day says. "Where possible, limit outdoor activities during these times to reduce exposure to allergens."

Keep windows closed

During hay fever season, try to keep your windows closed to create a safe environment inside.

"While it may be tempting to let in fresh air, keeping windows closed, especially during high pollen count days, can help prevent pollen from entering your home and exacerbating symptoms," Mr Day advises.

Use air purifiers

Using an air purifier can be an effective way of reducing hay fever symptoms when you're indoors.

"Investing in an air purifier with a HEPA filter can effectively capture airborne pollen particles, thereby improving indoor air quality and reducing hay fever symptoms," the expert states.

Practice good hygiene

Simply washing your hands regularly can help reduce hay fever symptoms.

"Regularly washing your hands and face, as well as changing clothes after spending time outdoors, can help remove pollen particles that may have settled on your skin and clothing so minimising the risk of triggering allergic reactions," Mr Day explains.

Consider allergy medication

If you are struggling with hay fever symptoms, you may benefit from allergy medication.

"Consult with a healthcare professional, such as your GP or pharmacist, to identify suitable over-the-counter or prescription allergy medications that can help alleviate hay fever symptoms, including those affecting the eyes," recommends the consultant eye surgeon.