Experts warn against anti-sun cream trend on TikTok as skin cancer searches surge

Woman applies sunscreen to her partner's back whilst standing on a beach
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images)

As the British summer and prime conditions for tanning roll in, industry specialists are sending out a warning about a trend that's gaining popularity on TikTok: the anti-sun cream campaign.

The trend has been escalating over recent weeks on social media platforms, putting forward the idea of completely ditching sun protection. Misinformed content creators claim that sunscreen contains chemicals linked to cancer or that it can potentially "damage" your skin.

Influencers aim their videos at massive audiences, dissuading them from using sun protection. One creator, whose video has racked up over 1.2 million views, brazenly claimed: "I don't wear sunscreen, and I never will.

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"We blame the sun for cancer when we should be blaming our diets. Sunscreen and a poor diet will make you sick."

Glam's latest data shines a concerning light on the trend's impact as Google searches for "Does sunscreen cause cancer" have seen a 160% spike in the last month. Even more alarmingly, the searches for "free skin cancer screening near me" and "How do I know if I have skin cancer" have swelled by 400% and 250%, respectively, hinting that the trend may already be causing worry among many, reports Wales Online.

So, what does an expert have to say about this TikTok trend?

Dr. Mariano Busso, a Beverly Hills board-certified cosmetic dermatologist, in a chat with Glam, said: "Seeking health advice from content creators can be dangerous. Using sunscreen has been scientifically proven to protect skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet light, including both UVB and UVA rays. By not using sunscreen, you are greatly increasing your odds of sun cancer."

In addition to this, he highlighted that neglecting sunscreen accelerates skin ageing, making one appear older. Dr. Mariano clarified that sunscreen doesn't cause cancer.

Cancer Research UK asserts that overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun can inflict damage on your skin cells and lead to skin cancer. In the UK, almost 9 in 10 cases of melanoma skin cancer could be prevented by practising safe sun habits and steering clear of sunbeds.

Skin cancer can affect anyone. However, some individuals may be at a higher risk, particularly those who burn more easily.

Added protection to minimise health risks:

Regardless of your location, whether at home or on holiday, it's crucial to shield yourself from the sun. The sun's strength is often sufficient to cause harm in the UK between mid-March and mid-October, even on cold or cloudy days.

  1. Spend time in the shade. This is especially important between 11am and 3pm in the UK

  2. Cover up with clothes, a wide-brimmed hat and UV protection sunglasses.

  3. Apply sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and 4 or 5 stars. Use it generously, reapply regularly and use together with shade and clothing.

Even on cloudy, windy or cooler days, sunburn is still a possibility. Over 90% of UV rays can penetrate through clouds, so it's important to seek shade, cover up and apply sunscreen.

Tips for using sun cream:

Cancer Research UK has issued some important advice about using sun cream, warning that ignoring these guidelines could potentially lead to serious health problems in the future:

  • Choose a lotion, pump spray or roll-on product, not an aerosol. Aerosol sunscreens can be patchy and do not provide a thick-enough layer for protection.

  • Make sure you put enough on – people often put on much less sunscreen than they need to. Apply sunscreen evenly and thickly.

  • Reapply sunscreen regularly throughout the day including ‘once a day’ and ‘water resistant’ products. Sunscreen can rub, sweat or wash off – even if it’s supposed to be waterproof. It’s especially important to put more on after swimming, sweating or drying off with a towel.

  • Reapplying also helps you to cover more of your skin and not miss any areas.

  • Use sunscreen even if you have SPF in your moisturiser or makeup, as those products don’t give a thick-enough layer of protection on their own. And they aren’t usually reapplied.

  • Check the expiry date on your sunscreen before you use it. Look for a symbol with an open lid, the letter M and a number. This shows how many months the sunscreen will last once open.

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