Experts warning that several common 'healthy' foods are actually bad for us

A woman drinking orange juice
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Health experts have sounded the alarm on food and drink items that many of us mistakenly believe are healthy. And they are urging people to have a rethink about their daily consumption habits.

At the forefront of the dietary no-go zone is alcohol, which despite its occasional touted health benefits, has been linked to a host of negative outcomes. Dr Amy Myers spoke to Huffington Post, warned: "New reports conclude that even moderate drinking, including red wine, may contribute to the onset of cancers, high blood pressure and atrial fibrillation - and also indicate a significant increase in premature ageing and death when drinking 25 grams of alcohol daily."

Echoing the concerns about alcohol's impact on health, Dr Sara Szal Gottfried, an assistant professor at Thomas Jefferson University, highlighted the substance's ability to spike cortisol levels, wreak havoc on sleep patterns, and elevate blood sugar.

In a similar vein, Dr Nilda Abellera, medical director of Infuze MD, pointed out the pitfalls of fruit juice consumption. She emphasised that unlike whole fruits, juices fall short in fibre content and pack a sugary punch with around 30g per serving, overshooting the recommended daily sugar intake for both men and women.

Dr Abellera also cautioned against diet drinks. She said: "Artificial sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose and saccharin have raised concerns due to their potential impact on metabolism, health risks, disruption of insulin response, alteration of gut microbiota and the potential for overconsumption."

And you should avoid flavoured yoghurt and smoothies, Dr Abellara warned, because of their high sugar content and artificial sweeteners. GP Dr Alexander Golberg said we should also avoid granola bars.

Dr Abellara also warned against the dangers of flavoured yoghurts and smoothies, urging Brits to check labels for hidden nasties. The health expert explained that they often contain high amounts of sugar and artificial sweeteners, which can be detrimental to our wellbeing.

Meanwhile, GP Dr Alexander Golberg advised steering clear of granola bars, saying: "Many granola bars contain high amounts of sugar and unhealthy fats. " Their warnings came as experts revealed a list of so-called healthy foods that could be secretly harming us.

Veggie chips, for example, are often highly processed and packed with salt and unhealthy oils. Protein bars are another culprit, with many containing high amounts of added sugars, artificial ingredients and unhealthy fats.

Salad dressings are often laden with added sugars, unhealthy fats, and preservatives, so experts recommend opting for homemade or simple oil and vinegar dressings. Dried fruits can also be a surprising source of sugar and calories, while some contain added sugars or preservatives, so it's important to check the label.

The experts also warned that some "whole wheat breads contain refined flour and added sugars, so may not be 100% whole grain, reports the Mirror. Meanwhile, many commercial trail mixes are packed with chocolates, candies, and sugars, increasing their calorie and sugar content.

Gluten-free products can also be surprisingly unhealthy, as many are made with refined grains, added sugars, and unhealthy fats to mimic the texture and taste of gluten-containing foods. Finally, many breakfast cereals are high in added sugars and low in fibre, making them a less nutritious option.