Face-painter ready for carnival fun after suffering heart attack age 39

Dawn at work at a previous Bacup and Stacksteads Carnival <i>(Image: Catherine Smyth Media)</i>
Dawn at work at a previous Bacup and Stacksteads Carnival (Image: Catherine Smyth Media)

When Dawn Hamer suffered a heart attack three months ago, aged just 39, her life turned upside down. Now she is looking forward to returning to work.

On Sunday June 30, as Fantasy Faces, Dawn will be face-painting at Bacup and Stacksteads Carnival, her first job since being hospitalised.

Dawn said: “I had been fast asleep and woke up with a shooting pain in my chest, it was around 4.30am so I took some paracetamol. Then about 9.30am my daughter Evie rang for an ambulance, I had an ache in my back, arm and jaw.”

Paramedics took her to Rochdale Hospital and Dawn was transferred to Fairfield in Bury where a check for protein in her blood confirmed she had suffered a heart attack.

Although doctors found there was some narrowing of her arteries, the condition could be treated with medication so she did not need surgery.

Now Dawn will be using the carnival to raise money for the British Heart Foundation.

She said: “I was visited by a nurse from the British Heart Foundation when I was in hospital and she was absolutely fantastic. Every question was answered, she put my mind at ease and even made me laugh. She talked me through my recovery and offered me reassurance that things will get better.

“I am face painting at our local carnival on June 30 and this will be my big return to work.

“For every face I paint, cost £4, I will be making a £3 donation to the British Heart Foundation, to thank them for helping me and countless others in my situation. I will also have a donation box for those wanting to donate without the face painting.”