‘Failure’ Is the Name of Ryan Kavanaugh’s New Podcast

Ryan Kavanaugh is no stranger to failing — and, as a Hollywood producer, doing so very publicly. Now he’s using his worst moments as fuel for a new podcast.

He’s hosting Failure, which hails from creative studio Manifest Media. The 24-episode series aims to be “a compelling exploration of the human experience” by showing how “adversities can serve as catalysts for redemption and ultimate triumph.”

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Kavanaugh — who made Forbes’ list of world’s youngest billionaires in 2014 before falling off its charts the following year — has certainly seen highs and lows, from backing more than 200 films including The Social Network, Step Brothers, Mama Mia! and The Fighter to the collapse and bankruptcy of his Relativity Media in 2015. These days he’s producing through Proxima Media and owns social video platform Triller (which has had its own share of headaches, including now-settled legal fights with Sony Music and Timbaland).

Not only will the podcast explore Kavanaugh’s own failures, it will also feature stories from those in entertainment, sports, politics and more. (Listen to teasers here.)

“The show aims to bring you the unvarnished truth, something you won’t find in your typical watered-down content,” said Kavanaugh in a Monday announcement. “We’re not here to sugarcoat or put on a facade; we’re all about digging deep, challenging the status quo, and presenting the raw, unfiltered dialogues that society craves but often avoids. It’s like peering behind the curtain, uncovering the authentic stories that shape our world.”

Jack Levy, executive producer at Manifest Media, added: “FAILURE unfolds in the most authentic of settings – capturing the essence of human struggle with an unyielding, guerrilla-style commitment,” “There are no scripts, no filters. Just pure, unfiltered storytelling.”

Failure will be available on Apple, Spotify, iHeart and other major podcast platforms in December.

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