Falkirk councillor suffering ill health granted extended leave of absence

Councillor Jim Robertson represents the Upper Braes
-Credit: (Image: Lisa Evans / Falkirk Council)

An extended leave of absence for a member of Falkirk Council who has been seriously ill has been approved by fellow councillors who wished him a speedy recovery.

Councillor Jim Robertson, who represents the Upper Braes, Falkirk, has been unable to attend meetings due to ill health for several months now.

The Local Government (Scotland) Act states that if a councillor fails to attend meetings for more than six months they stop being a local member, unless the absence is approved.

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Falkirk councillors heard that Cllr Robertson has been in dialogue with the Chief Governance Officer regarding his illness and officers recommended that a leave of absence be approved.

The leader of Falkirk Council, Councillor Cecil Meiklejohn, said that Cllr Robertson is making a "slow recovery and we hope that he will be back very soon".

Members of all the parties and Independents unanimously agreed the leave of absence, which will be reviewed in October.

Provost Robert Bissett said: "I think everybody in the council would wish Jim well and hopefully he has a speedy recovery and will return to take part in meetings."

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