A family of swans waddle down a path to the BEAT OF MUSIC in UK

Watch this family of swans neatly waddle down a path one behind the other - to the beat of music. The two parents and their six babies made their way along the Pocklington Canal towpath in East Yorkshire, and were spotted by Sarah Wills, 52. Sarah and her daughter Jess, 21, were out for an evening stroll when they approached the swans and walked behind them until they reached the safety of the canal. Jess began playing some music through her phone which entertainingly timed perfectly with the birds' steps. Parish clerk Sarah from Wilberfoss said: "What was lovely as we approached was that neither the adults nor the babies were fretful. "What was funny was that you'll see that the little one at the back was taking regular one second rest breaks. I wonder if he'd been in the deepest sleep?!" "It's incredible how it fits so perfectly with the timing of the waddle and that the little one sits down exactly when the music stops - just like the party game musical chairs!"