Family's pet Jellybean died on way to the vet after savage dog attack

Jellybean the Shih Tzu was a beloved family pet
-Credit: (Image: Handout)

A family say their home "feels quiet" after their "lovely, friendly" dog died days after being attacked while out on a walk.

August Jones, 20, was walking the family pet Jellybean on Queens Drive on Wednesday evening, June 19, when the seven year old Shih Tzu was attacked by what witnesses described as a "large crossbreed".

Speaking to the ECHO, August, who lives in Old Swan, said: "I was walking Jellybean back to my house when a dog came towards us suddenly from the other side of the pavement. It grabbed Jellybean and wouldn't let go."

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A brave passer-by, Angela Craig, 55, stepped in to help. Angela told the ECHO: "I saw the big dog grab the other dog by the head. My adrenalin kicked in and I ran across the road screaming at the woman [the larger dog's owner]."

Angela grabbed the larger dog by the collar and tried to hold it "so it couldn't shake the little dog" in its mouth. She also shouted for people around her to bring sticks over to put in the dog's mouth as a distraction.

Another member of the public then intervened to help. Angela said: "A young lad came over and got the dog in a neck lock. It moved its jaw and let go. The little dog flopped on the floor. I thought it was dead for a minute. Then it sat up, almost like it was in shock."

Together, Angela and the young man managed to get the big dog to safety in somebody's front garden behind a locked gate, with the owner in tow. Angela ended up with bruises up her leg after intervening and was severely shaken by the whole ordeal.

A photo of the dog which allegedly carried out the attack on Jellybean
A photo of the dog which allegedly carried out the attack on Jellybean -Credit:Handout

She said: "It was absolutely horrendous to watch. I came home and cried all night over it."

Angela, like August, thought Jellybean was going to survive. The Shih Tzu was immediately taken to the vets, where they found he had two fractures to his jaw and a neck wound.

He was sedated and underwent surgery on Friday. He was allowed to return home on Monday, and according to August, he was managing to walk, so the family thought he was recovering well.

August said: "We thought he was recovering. We didn't think there was a risk of death. But my dad slept next to him all night on Monday and by Tuesday morning, he said he was barely breathing. We took him to the vets and it was too late. We think he died before he reached the clinic."

The family are devastated by their loss. August said: "He was such an energetic and friendly dog. He was really lovely. We've had him since he was a puppy. We're all really struggling and it feels so quiet in the house without him."

They have received a lot of support from the local community since it happened. Linda Jones, August's mum said: "I would like to thank everybody who tried to help on the night and since. We have been shown a tremendous amount of kindness."

The Jones family have asked police to look into the matter. They are concerned the same thing could happen again if the owner of the dog that attacked Jellybean is allowed to keep the animal in her care.

Angela also raised concerns about the welfare of the dog which carried out the attack. She claims she saw the owner of the dog shouting at the animal and yanking it in the build-up to the incident.

Angela said: "She was roaring at the dog it and yanking it back. She had absolutely no control over it. I would have that dog taken off her."

A spokesperson for Merseyside Police said: "We were contacted at 11.45pm on Wednesday 19 June to a report that at around 8pm that evening a dog had attacked another dog on Queens Drive/Oakhill Road in Liverpool.

"The injured dog, a Shih Tzu, was taken to the vets with a facial injury. There are no reports of any person being injured.

"The breed of the offending dog is not known and enquiries are ongoing to trace the dog and its owner. Anyone with information is asked to DM @MerPolCC or call 101 quoting reference 24000543183."

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