Fans hilariously react to steamy gay sex scene in new Red, White & Royal Blue rom-com

Screenshot of movie Red, White and Royal Blue showing the two protagonists laying in bed.
Screenshot of movie Red, White and Royal Blue showing the two protagonists laying in bed. Via X - @CINEMA505

Well, if you didn’t spend last weekend drooling over Red, White and Royal Blue, this year’s hottest gay rom-com, the commentary on social media might just change your mind.

Based on the best-selling novel by Casey McQuiston, the R-rated film follows Alex Claremont-Diaz (Taylor Zakhar Perez), the charismatic son of the US president, as he is forced into a sham friendship with the good-looking British Prince Henry (Nicholas Galitzine) after a public (but rather sweet) incident. 

However, it doesn’t take long for the fake friendship to develop into something more – a lot, lot more if you know what we mean! 

And following the film’s eagerly anticipated release last Friday, August 11, the social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter) blew up with comments about a steamy sex scene. 

The hype was all sparked by one user Grace, whose handle is aptly @enchantdlovr, when they became curious about the logistics of the sex position. 

The scene in question involves a rendezvous between Alex and Prince Henry in a hotel room. After Alex shoves Henry onto the bed, mounting him face forward, the two men stare intensely into each other’s eyes.

Although the camera doesn’t move from their faces, it is enough for Red, White and Royal Blue director Matthew López to let viewers know that penetration has occurred.

Grace’s first post innocently asked, “gay guys can do missionary?” Minutes later, another user responded, “Why wouldn’t they?” To which Grace replied, “seems hard to get the bum that way hahahah. happy for them though! best position!!”


Another reply informed Grace, “its called the rotisserie chicken” and went on to explain why, saying, “legs up, stick in”.

Being dubbed, “gay sex education 101”, viewers applauded the movie for its representation, with one post saying, “Red, White & Royal Blue greatest service might be teaching a new generation of women that gay men can actually do missionary.”


But of course, X wouldn’t be what it is without its critics pointing out, “His ankles shoulda been on his shoulders but whatever, baby steps”, and another saying, “Right but it’s total misinformation re: what our faces actually look like when the bottoming commences”.

Needless to say, the official Red, White and Royal Blue account seemed rather pleased with the responses overall, simply saying, “if this is my legacy, i’d be okay with it”.


Red, White and Royal Blue is currently available to stream on Amazon Prime.

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