My father died while the Tories were having lockdown parties

Re the ongoing Covid inquiry, my father died of heart and kidney failure in May 2020, and we had his funeral in early June. He was a popular person and gave a lot back to his community. He was the volunteer warden of a nature reserve for more than 30 years. Whenever I asked him why, he said it was important to preserve nature for the next generation.

Due to the Covid rules, we were only allowed 10 people at his funeral. I couldn’t see any of my support network other than my partner because those were the rules. I could not spend Christmas with my mother and brother after my father’s death. I stayed local because those were the rules.

What I cannot accept is the disregard that members of this government had for their own rules and the life-changing difficulties their constituents were facing. I find it so hard to reconcile that while I was having one of the worst times in my life, I still made decisions based on the public good – but they did not. It is unforgivable.
Sarah Hollingdale
Brighton, East Sussex

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