Feeling Overwhelmed By A Bucket List? Try A Pocket List Instead

It can be hard to escape the stresses of day-to-day life and look instead at the bigger picture and what we hope to achieve in life.

In an effort to get some control over this, many people create bucket lists – a tick-box list of accomplishments, events and experiences they to achieve in their lifetime.

This can be something as huge as travelling the world or skydiving, or as small as going for an open bus tour of a nearby city. It’s all about making sure you’re living life to the fullest and experiencing as much of the world as possible. 

Quite a mighty task. So mighty, in fact, that it can feel a little overwhelming – not to mention unaffordable. All those tasks? All that life? It’s A LOT. Which is why some people are creating pocket lists instead.

What is a pocket list?

Similar to a bucket list, a pocket list is a list of goals that you hope to achieve but with the added bonus of being small, manageable ones instead of lifelong dreams or wallet-emptying once-in-a-lifetime experiences. 

Aisling, a web designer based in the UK, has set her own pocket list of goals for this summer including going for a roast in her favourite pub, walking through a local nature reserve, and taking her mother-in-law for tea.

The list lives on her fridge and while she hasn’t done any of them yet, it’s still early summer (just) and “it’s a lovely reminder” of things to look forward to.

Likewise, sales assistant Katie said she has listed growing more vegetables, joining a dog walking app, and getting a full body massage before the year is out.

All small, achievable goals that are definitely doable in the months that we have left this year.

Bestselling author recommends the pocket list for everyday joys

Elizabeth Day, author of How To Fail, is also a huge fan of of the pocket list. She said: “I’m inspired by the idea of embracing the smaller wins for this year.

“It’s important to connect with ourselves so that we understand our purpose. Trying something new really helps us to get to the bottom of that and to discover who we are.”

As for which goals you should add to your pocket list? Whatever you’re hoping to achieve.

You don’t have to be breaking records here, just make sure that you’re breaking up the routine of everyday life now and then with fun trips, experiences or even just spending some time unplugged with loved ones. 
