Female Scientists Posting ‘Distractingly Sexy’ Photos on Twitter

Women in science hit back at sexist comments from Nobel prize winner.

Still #distractinglysexy after a full day of cell culture. Didn't even cry this time, so proud!, writes Lucie de Beauchamp.
Still #distractinglysexy after a full day of cell culture. Didn't even cry this time, so proud!, writes Lucie de Beauchamp.

Female scientists have been posting ‘distractingly sexy’ photos of themselves online in response to sexist comments made by Nobel laureate Sir Tim Hunt.

An online backlash was sparked after Hunt, speaking about women in science at a conference in South Korea, uttered the controversial words: "Let me tell you about my trouble with girls.

"Three things happen when they are in the lab: you fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticise them, they cry.”

Hunt has since apologised for his ill-advised comments and admitted that saying them in front of a room full of journalists was “a very stupid thing to do”.

Hunt has since resigned from his post at University College London.

In response to his comments, the hashtag #DistractinglySexy soon took off on Twitter, prompted by a tweet from feminist site The Vagenda.