Film club ends season with a 'monster on the loose' movie

Skipton Plaza Cinema <i>(Image: Lesley Tate)</i>
Skipton Plaza Cinema (Image: Lesley Tate)

SKIPTON Film Club ends its current - most successful season yet, with cult film director Bong Joon-Ho's monster movie, The Host.

The South Korean director received international acclaim for his Oscar-winning Parasite, but that was only the latest in a series of brilliant genre films that had marked him as one of the most exciting voices in contemporary cinema.

A spokesperson for Skipton Film Club said: "Critics have called The Host the greatest monster movie of the 21st century – and it’s easy to see why! Giving us all the thrills of the ‘Monster on the loose’ genre, it also combines an acute ecological critique of society with a powerful family drama and an eerily prescient vision of a city in lockdown – all with touches of comedy thrown in.

"All of this makes The Host not only a thrilling film able to satisfy the most hardened monster movie fan, but also a great piece of thoughtful, idea-filled action cinema.

"This is the final film of our 2023-24 season, which has proved to be our most successful season to date, and we’d like to thank all those who have given us so much support. We will be back with a new season of films, starting in September."

Catch The Host at the Plaza Cinema, Skipton at 5.15pm on Sunday, June 2. Find Skipton Film Club on Facebook and Instagram.