First Minister exit should trigger a Scottish Parliamentary election, demands Labour MSP

Humza Yousaf announced his intention to stand down as Scotland's First Minister today
Humza Yousaf announced his intention to stand down as Scotland's First Minister today -Credit:Getty Images

Calls have been made tonight for a Scottish Parliamentary Election in the wake of Humza Yousaf’s decision to step down as First Minister.

Yousaf announced his intention to step down at Bute House earlier today after facing the prospect of a No Confidence vote in Parliament over his leadership, and one over the SNP led Scottish Government.

His decision to step down comes after he kicked the Green Party out of a Holyrood power-sharing agreement following a row over climate change commitments.

Now the race is on to see which MSP will replace him and become Scotland’s new First Minister.

Already, John Swinney is being tipped for a return to frontline politics, while former Finance Secretary, Kate Forbes, is also being tipped for the top job.

However, South Scotland Labour List MSP, Colin Smyth, is demanding the SNP go to the country - and call an election.

Mr Smyth said: “The people of Scotland deserve a fresh start and that can only happen with an election and a change of government- one that will rebuild our NHS and get our economy back on track.

“It really is untenable for the SNP just to impose yet another unelected First Minister on Scotland.

“There should be an election that would mean the people of Scotland get to decide who our First Minister is, not just a small group of SNP members yet again.”

He added: “We need to get rid of this whole dysfunctional, chaotic and divided SNP government.”

Ayr SNP MSP Siobhian Brown said she was “saddened” by Mr Yousaf’s imminent departure as First Minister.

She said on social media: “I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the First Minister after the news that he is to step down. He has shown great dedication to the country he loves and has made great strides for communities across Scotland by tackling inequalities, creating a fairer tax system, and lifting children out of poverty during an extremely challenging economic climate.

“Whilst I am saddened by this news it’s imperative that we move forward as a government. Now more than ever we must come together to steady the ship and ensure a smooth transition for the people of Scotland. Independence remains a top priority for us. We need greater control over our own governance so we can shape our own policies for the good of the Scottish people.”

South Scotland Conservative List MSP, Sharon Dowey wants a ‘refocus’ on the issues facing the country.

She said: “The Scottish Conservatives have forced Humza Yousaf to resign for repeatedly failing Scotland.

“Now, it is time for the SNP to abandon their independence obsession and focus solely on Scotland’s top priorities.”

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