Five absolutely crazy conspiracy theories about Donald Trump

President Donald Trump waves as he arrives at the White House, Thursday, Sept. 14, 2017, in Washington. Trump is returning from Florida after viewing damage from Hurricane Irma. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
President Donald Trump waves as he arrives at the White House, Thursday, Sept. 14, 2017, in Washington. Trump is returning from Florida after viewing damage from Hurricane Irma. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

It’s no secret that Donald Trump is fond of a good conspiracy theory – his political career took off after he endorsed the (false) idea that Barack Obama was not born in America.

Even as President, he’s been fond of baseless allegations such as the idea Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower, or his repeated rants against the conspiracy of ‘fake news’.


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So it’s perhaps no surprise that Trump’s fans – particularly the lunatic fringe of Trumpers to be found online – have come to believe some rather odd things about their man (as have some of his more impassioned detractors).

Here’s some of the more unlikely conspiracy theories people genuinely believe about President Trump.

The word ‘covfefe’ is actually a secret message to Muslims

Woman gets OK for license plate inspired by ‘covfefe’ tweet
Woman gets OK for license plate inspired by ‘covfefe’ tweet

When Donald Trump famously tweeted, ‘Despite the constant negative press covfefe’, the world (sensibly) assumed he fell asleep while typing the word ‘coverage’.

But was he actually sending a secret message of solidarity to the Muslim world?

Believe it or not, various social media Trump fans claim that this is the case – and the word ‘covfefe’ means ‘I will stand up’ in Arabic.

The fact that Trump hastily deleted his Tweet when he woke up suggests that it may just have been a typo, however…

Trump has already arrested 3,000 ‘elite paedophiles and Satanists’

Online conspiracy theorists linked leading Democrats – falsely – to a paedophile conspiracy allegedly based in a pizza restaurant – known as ‘pizzagate’.

Despite being repeatedly and thoroughly debunked, the conspiracy theory rumbles on – being recently endorsed by billionaire Minecraft creator Markus ‘Notch’ Persson.

An online ‘Trump prophet’ – who claims to have predicted Trump’s presidency – claims that Trump has struck against the ‘elite paedophiles’ by arresting 3,000 of them.

Self-styled ‘firefighter prophet’ Mark Taylor, said, ‘3,000 elite pedophiles have been arrested since the inauguration, but that’s not a whole lot of common knowledge, people don’t understand that because they’ve had a 100 percent media blackout on it.’

Needless to say, there’s no evidence for this whatsoever – or for Taylor’s assertion that Hillary Clinton will shortly be arrested too.

Donald Trump is being drugged by the ‘deep state’

The right-wing conspiracy theorist and “performance artist,” who earlier this year was forced to apologize to a yogurt company, announced on social media that he’s looking for help at Infowars.
The right-wing conspiracy theorist and “performance artist,” who earlier this year was forced to apologize to a yogurt company, announced on social media that he’s looking for help at Infowars.

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has claimed that Donald Trump’s Diet Coke is being secretly drugged by the government – in an effort to control him.

Jones – a right-winger known for endorsing crackpot views – claims that Trump is being tranquilised so that dark forces within the government can control him, like a puppet.

Jones said, ‘I’ve talked to people, multiple ones, and they believe that they are putting a slow sedative that they’re building up that’s also addictive in his Diet Cokes and in his iced tea and that the president by 6 or 7 at night is basically slurring his words and is drugged.’

Previously, a reporter from Infowars suggested that dark forces within the government were spreading rumours that Trump was mentally declining – so he could be removed from office.

Donald Trump is secretly in league with the Israelis

There’s one conspiracy theory which may well have a basis in fact, namely that members of Trump’s team may have colluded with Russian agents in the election campaign.

But naturally, that isn’t enough for fervent pot-stirrers like British ex-MP Louise Mensch, who claims that a legion of Jewish agents (possibly working for Mossad) were working with Vladimir Putin.

Mensch also claimed – without evidence – that Benjamin Netanyahu was somehow involved.

Donald Trump is secretly a Democrat

Anyone who’s watched some of President Trump’s more chaotic moments – like his impromptu press conference on Charlottesville – has wondered, ‘What on Earth is he doing?’

But what if the whole Presidency was an act – and designed to tear the Republican party apart?

The idea that he is a ‘sleeper agent’ or ‘Manchurian candidate’ has been repeatedly discussed, seriously and semi-seriously.

On the campaign trail, rival Jeb Bush said, ‘Maybe Donald negotiated a deal with his buddy Hillary Clinton.’