Now even Fox News is reporting negative stories about Donald Trump

Throughout Donald Trump’s Presidency, Fox News has been a reliable standard-bearer for the embattled President – reporting largely positive stories since he took power.

But the mood at the right-wing network may be changing as this week it reported a negative poll about Donald Trump Jr’s meeting with a Russian lawyer.

The poll, conducted by Fox itself, showed that 55% of interviewees thought that the meeting was ‘troubling’.

In another story this week, Fox said, ‘Fox News Poll: 53 percent disapprove of Trump, even as voters feel better about economy’.

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The stories mark a change in the network’s approach – as it has previously dismissed negative stories on Trump as an indication that left-wing media is ‘obsessed’ with doing own the President.

The shift comes after right-wing blogger Matt Drudge posted, ‘Heads will roll…’ over a graphic showing negative approval ratings for the President.

Earlier this year, Fox reported a Harvard Shorenstein Centre report which showed that at CNN and NBC, 93% of stories were negative towards trump, and that at the Wall Street Journal, 70% of stories were negative.